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Socl - Microsoft's Secret Social Search Project

Earlier this year Microsoft accidentally published a Web site called Socl.com which caused various rumors that the company will launch its own social network with social search service. According to the company statement, the site was an internal design project from one of Microsoft's research teams which was mistakenly published to the Web.

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Microsoft Outlines Plans to Deliver Windows 8

Microsoft has already announced its plans to update some of its Windows Embedded operating systems with Windows 8 versions. The company has even begun to share early ship targets for some of these versions of the embedded operating systems. According to the plans Windows Embedded Enterprise v.Next will be out a quarter after Windows 8 is available for PCs and Windows Embedded Standard v.Next in the first quarter of 2012.

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New Desktop Interface Flops

An interface should be designed to make it easy for people to get their work done. The problem with Windows 8 Metro and Linux GNOME 3.2 is that they neither address any existing audience, nor do a good job of delivering the goods to any actual user. Microsoft just dump decades of design work on a popular and usable system for one that could be fine only for children.

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Microsoft Shows 'Touch Screen' for Any Surface

Microsoft Research is unveiling technology that turns any surface into a touch screen at a user interface conference in Santa Barbara, California. Using a laser-based Pico projector and depth-sensing camera, Microsoft let the user define the area of where they want the interface to be.

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Windows Store is the iOS App Store Done Right

Taking a well-targeted jab at Apple’s draconian iOS App Store, Microsoft has confirmed that the Windows Store, which comes with Windows 8, will as sensible, steadfast, dependable, and transparent as possible. There will be absolutely no capriciousness on behalf of Microsoft — every app will be equally and fairly considered — and the process for getting an app certified and listed in the Windows Store will be as painless as possible.

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Microsoft's Build Keynote: 5 Key Takeaways

At its Build conference in Anaheim, Calif., Microsoft gave developers a deep dive into Windows 8, the company's upcoming operating system designed to run on desktops, notebooks, and touch-screen tablets. The key takeaway is the software itself, which developers get their hands on this evening.

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BUILD: New Opportunities for Developers

Microsoft is holding an event for the developer community called BUILD. This is a big week for the company. Microsoft is excited to talk with developers about the future of Windows and other products and tools they’re working on.

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New Windows Explorer Will Ship With Windows 8

Microsoft is currently pushing out new announcements like crazy on the Building Windows 8 blog. The company will improve file management features like copying in the new operating system. Windows Explorer will receive a complete redesign and will ship with many changes when the Windows 8 operating system comes out.

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Microsoft Lists 'App Store' As a Windows 8 Feature

An app store is officially among the features Microsoft is working to include in Windows 8, much like Apple's App Store for OS X. The revelation, which confirmed months of rumors, came from Microsoft President Steven Sinofsky in a Building Windows 8 blog titled "Introducing the team." Among a list of teams associated with building the forthcoming operating system was "App Store."

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Microsoft Aims To Make Website Pinning Easy

Microsoft is making its BuildMyPinnedSite.com website available to any developer wishing to use the pinning functionality in Internet Explorer 9 to improve the stickiness of their websites. The site is now available worldwide in 38 languages and 40 geographies.

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