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IE10 in Windows 8: Metro vs. Desktop style

For better or worse, IE10 is one of those Windows 8 apps with a split personality--part Metro and part desktop. Microsoft dubs it a "Metro style enabled desktop browser," which means that technically it's a single app that offers two different "experiences."

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Windows 8 Reportedly Set for October Debut

Microsoft reportedly will finish work on Windows 8 by summer, setting the stage to release the next version of its flagship operating system sometime around October. Bloomberg, citing "people with knowledge of the schedule," also reports that there will be fewer than five devices running the ARM system-on-a-chip architecture at launch. Those ARM chips allow for thinner, lighter tablet devices, something that Microsoft hopes will help it cut into Apple's iPad's huge lead in the tablet market.

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What's Wrong with Window 8

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes from ZDNet has been using Windows 8 Consumer Preview since its release back at the end of February, and having used it extensively on a number of several physical and virtual systems, he will tell you what he thinks is wrong with Microsoft’s latest incarnation of Windows.

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Windows 8 Consumer Preview

The beta version of the Consumer Preview of Windows 8 client, the Windows Server 8 beta and the beta of Visual Studio “11? for developing for Windows 8 were made available for download to testers. Microsoft presented the Consumer Preview yesterday at an event in Barcelona where it showed the new feature 'hot corners' that enables users to mouse over or touch a corner of the screen to invoke specific actions that are hidden in default mode.

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Microsoft Office 15 Technical Preview Kicks Off

Microsoft announced that a beta version of the Office 15 will be released in late summer. The company also showed technical preview for its Office 15 client, servers and cloud services yesterday. According to the rumors the client suite will include a new application called “Moorea.” It will probably allow testers to navigate and edit notebooks in a new way by providing a high-level canvas-view of all their content.

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More on Windows 8's New Refresh and Reset Options

Yesterday Microsoft revealed more details regarding the new refresh and reset your PC features. The company includes this new buttons in order to provide an easy way for their customers to roll back the operating system to an earlier state. With the two new features users will be able to reset their PCs without losing their personal data and the whole process will require from 6 to 24 minutes.

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Microsoft to enable Linux on its Windows Azure cloud in 2012

Reports say Microsoft is planning to launch a new persistent virtual machine feature on its Azure cloud platform. Because of the lack of such persistent VM support customers who wanted to run Windows or Linux durably in VMs on Microsoft’s Azure platform-as-a-service platform weren't able to do so. The VM capability will let them host Linux, SharePoint and SQL Server.

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Windows 8 is Good for Companies

Intel CEO Paul Otellini commented the new version of Windows. According to him the new OS is one of the best things that’s ever happened to their company. He also stated that Windows 8 will allow tablets to get a legitimacy into mainstream computing because of the better security that it will provide and the user-friendly Metro interface. Read More

Microsoft Shoots down Google's Dart Language

Google didn't get any support from Microsoft for its plans to improve the programming language Dart that was built to replace JavaScript as one of the the most popular languages for web design. Without Windows as an ally it will be very hard for Google to get enough support for Dart among the browser creators while most developers are already familiar with JavaScript and libraries of pre-written software such as jQuery.

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Windows 8 with Easier Setup

Windows 8 promises to to provide more user-friendly installation experience when upgrading to the new version of the software on the different devices. Microsoft improved not only the speed of the setup process but also its reliability and performance.

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