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XML and Fireworks

This tutorial shows a perfect sample for using XML and Fireworks together. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language, since it's introduction there is lot of talking about XML, what is it? how do you use it? is it really worth it? Well try it out yourself, with this tutorial!

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E-commerce definition lists

The title is E-Commerce definition lists, not definition terms. Definition lists are a valid XHTML set of tags we should all use when using words/terms/phrases that will have an explaination of what they are. I'm not good at describing it, but Malarkey is!

From Malarkey's mouth (fingers): A number of designers and developers who are working with Karova Store have asked me for recommendations on how to layout product range pages using semantic mark-up and CSS. So I decided to write a mini tutorial for our training manual and try it out here first. An Amazon style product presentation made from wholesome mark-up and free from unnecessary divs or classes.

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An introduction to Web Standards

What are web standards? This isn't a tutorial, but a online presentation (very short ~3min.) to get the jist of why and what.

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The Meaning of Semantics (Take I)

Nearly every web designer is guilty of forcing line breaks, creating tables that don't hold tabular data, and a host of other egregious HTML sins. Now that CSS is around, Molly E. Holzschlag slaps our hands and explains why we should pay attention to each element's content, not just its looks.

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Introduction to XSLT

It introduces XSLT, going through the basics of using it to transform XML on the client-side, by way of easy-to-follow tutorial examples (we have included the first three examples here). Chapter 6 of the book takes client-side XSLT to a more advanced level, and Chapters 8-11 include coverage of server-side XSLT usage.


This sample is taken from Chapter 5 "Introduction to XSLT"of the glasshaus title "Practical XML for the Web".

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Introduction to Server-Side XML

It sets the scene for server-side XML, and shows what you can do with it, by way of a parallel example done in ASP, PHP, and JSP (we have only included the first of the example sections here). The three chapters that follow this one in the book are case studies, which go into using XML with the three server-side languages mentioned above in much more detail.

This sample is taken from Chapter 8 "Introduction to Server-Side XML" of the glasshaus title "Practical XML for the Web".

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