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A Less Intrusive Submission Error System Part Two

Welcome to part two, I'm glad you could make back. In part one of this tutorial, we looked at the basic HTML and CSS needed for our test form, and made a start to the required JavaScript. So far our script has the ability to search each input field to check that data has been entered into each of the required fields. Let's pick up right where we left off and add the code that displays a message if a field is left empty. Gather up the files from last time, and open them. Read More

A Less Intrusive Submission Error System Part One

This is part one of a two part tutorial and in this part, we're going to look at some of the concepts behind this submission error detection system I'm going to show you how to alert your visitors to submission errors without having to resort to alerts, using a combination of the DOM, a little JavaScript, and a sprinkling of CSS, all held together with some standards compliant HTML. Read More

Free - Opening PDFs in a new window with JavaScript

Opening documents such as PDFs in a newwindow should be automated using JavaScript for the following reasons:

  • Users will often close the web browser when a PDF is opened, mistakenly believing the document has been opened in Adobe Reader
  • The attribute historically used to open a new window, target, has been removed from the HTML 4.01 Strict specification (it's now deprecated)
  • Opening a new window is a behaviour and should be moved to the behavioural layer.

Using JavaScript can also be particularly useful when a website is content managed. Rather than having to rely on site editors to remember to open a link to a PDF in a new window the process is handled by a simple JavaScript function.

Check out this fully functioning example to see what we'll create. Check out Advanced Layer Popup if you want to open your PDF in a layer that pops up or Advanced Open Window if you want to create a new window with the press of a button.

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Using Google's Search API

I recently wrote a tutorial focused on using one of Google's APIs to integrate a map to your web site and making use of some of its more basic features.  In this article we're going to take a look at another of their APIs; this time, instead of a map, we'll implement the AJAX Search API into a web page that will allow visitors to interact with Google's powerful search services. Like the Maps API, the Search API is a class-based collection of objects that expose the methods and properties needed to make requests and receive results from Google different search facilities.  We'll go through some of the basic objects, and their members, as and when we use them in our script.

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Getting Started with Google Maps Part 2

Welcome to part two of this tutorial. In part one we looked at just how easy it is to get up and running with an instance of a Google Map using Google's Maps API. We also saw some of the basic methods available to us to be able to customize our map in the ways we wanted it to look. In this part of the tutorial, we're going to take a look at some of the more advanced features of the Maps API and see what other functionality we can incorporate into the existing page. Read More

Interface Widgets: Dialog boxes Part Two

This is the second article in the series about web application dialog boxes. In the first article we have looked at the Popup object and Modal Window - the ready-to-use tools available for Internet Explorer users only. In this iteration we will expand our viewby exploring the cross-browser solution – the <div> tag.


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Ajax Textbox Watermark Control in ASP.NET 2.0

Microsoft’s new Ajax Extensions 1.0 comes with a few basic controls for performing common Ajax tasks. When it comes to implementing more advanced Ajax techniques and interfaces, a new package named the Ajax Control Toolkit has been released to developers to use freely in their applications.

This Ajax Control Toolkit is a powerful collection of Ajaxcontrols that can greatly enhance the Ajax capabilities of your ASP.NET applications. Best of all most of them are plug n play; you just simply drag them onto your web forms and work with them interactivelyin the Visual Studio designer.

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Interface Widgets: Dialog boxes

Dialog boxes are one element we can't imagine a web application without. They are used for all kinds of tasks from displaying content to user notifications and input. When designed and implemented properly a dialog box can greatly enhance user experience and extend application functionality.

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Protecting your Content


The issue of web content copyright protection is as old as the Web itself. Your text, your images, your videos and scripts – whatever you put on the web can quickly become “adopted” by someone less capable or more “inventive”.

The issue of web content copyright protection is as old as the Web itself. Your text, your images, your videos and scripts – whatever you put on the web can quickly become “adopted” by someone less capable or more “inventive”.

Although there are no bullet-proof methods of protecting your content that doesn't mean you should stop trying. While there is no point in "fighting the windmills" there are situations where you might really "use your fists" - at least to keep the amateurs away.

I this article on "digital self-defense" we will discuss some tricks to help you with the task.

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Getting Started with Google Maps

In a recent two-part tutorial, I showed you how easy it was to create interesting and interactive maps using the Yahoo! Maps API.  In this two part series, I'm going to show you how to do the same with the Google Maps API.  Google's API is just as easy to work with, but has slightly more functionality than Yahoo's API so at present Google is the way to go.

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Messing Around With Yahoo! Maps Part Two

Welcome to part two. In the first part we lookedatadding a new map instance image, adding markers and smart windows and finally, we looked at allowing visitors to add a new marker using an address. It worked well, the new marker was added, but there is still a lot we can do to improve it. The biggest problem is that if the visitor sets a new marker that is further away than the bounds of the current map image, the new marker won't be visible without dragging the map around. Luckily there are a few properties that we can play with to fix this. 

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Messing Around With Yahoo! Maps Part One

Yahoo! are renowned for their developer focused offerings that bring easy and quick web site development. They provide some of the best free tools around that are created by web designers for web designers including the Yahoo! User Interface toolkit (YUI), the Pattern Design Library, the Yahoo! Widget Engine/SDK and a wide range of easy to use APIs.

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