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Free - Email form with Spry AJAX

In this tutorial you will learn how to build AJAX email form using the Spry Data Utilities Toolkit. As a result you will be able to turn your traditional email form into an AJAX-based one or build one from scratch.

Although for the purpose of this tutorial we will use PHP, the same approach can be adapted for any other server model.

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Free - Create a cool folder listing with Folderview

In this video tutorial Richard shows you how to create a cool listing using the basic settings of the  FolderView extension from DMXzone.com.

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Using jQuery to Create Rounded Corners Part 2

Welcome to part two of the jQuery rounded-corners tutorial! In part one we created a light-weight, efficient and scalable method for rounding the corners of any number of specified container elements. In this part, we’re going to extend the solution by adding a method for creating rounded borders on elements with rounded corners. This part of the tutorial will work as desired on IE7 and FireFox, but sadly, IE6 simply cannot handle it and the design breaks completely in this browser.

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Using jQuery to Create Rounded Corners

These days, there are plenty of ways to add a variety of different rounded-corner effects to various content-containing boxes, usually <div> elements. Most use a combination of one or more images, some CSS and some JavaScript in varying amounts to achieve the desired effect, and each method has its pros and cons. One of the problems with many of the rounded-corner solutions, certainly those that rely heavily on images, is that they only allow you to create a specific style of box. So you can make as many boxes with rounded corners that you want, as long as they are all the same colour, have visually the same style, and all sit on the same coloured background. Read More

A jQuery Navigation Menu Part Two

Welcome back to part two of the jQuery menu tutorial. In part one we looked at a scaleable solution to adding submenu indicators and an easy jQuery replacement to CSS rollovers. In this part we're going to look at enhancing the appearance of the menu with drop shadows on the submenus, as well as adding a little dynamism with AJAX generated submenus.

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A jQuery Navigation Menu Part One

We continue our travel through the land of jQuery by looking at a solution which tackles one of the oldest web designs challenges; the humble navigation menu. We looked at creating navigation menus based on traditional web design methods, but like everything that you throw at jQuery, the library gives back improved functionality and lighter code in half the time, as we'll see during the course of this tutorial.

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Expanding Content Boxes with jQuery Part Two

Welcome to Part 2 of the content box tutorial. In the first part we looked at embedding a single box of content on our page. In this part, we're going to look at having multiple boxes on the same page. We can't just use and build upon the same code that we ended Part 1 with because there were too many assumptions made by the code. The new buttons that were dynamically added following an expansion or collapse of the box, for example, were just added to all instances of <div> elements with a class of .title, knowing that this would only refer to one element.

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Expanding Content Boxes with jQuery Part One

In this tutorial we're going to look at using jQuery to create content boxes that your visitors can expand or minimise in order to show or hide different types or sections of content. These can be placed anywhere on the page, but would typically reside in a side-bar or dedicated column. The format that we're looking to create is akin to that used by the widgets on your iGoogle page.

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Storing and Retrieving Data with jQuery, PHP and mySQL part Two

Hi there, if you've just tuned in welcome to part two of the jQuery AJAX tutorial. In part one we set up the testing environment that let's us work with live data and AJAX, a combination of Apache, PHP and mySQL that turns your home computer into a fully fledged web server.

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Storing and Retrieving Data with jQuery, PHP and mySQL Part One

AJAX is probably one of the most exciting things to happen to web design in recent years, jQuery is another, and there are plenty of methods built right into jQuery which allow you to quickly and easily get started with the XMLHttpRequest object that is fundamental to all AJAX operations.

In this tutorial we're going to look at installing and configuring a web server, installing and configuring PHP and mySQL, and using jQuery to unite your front-end user interface with your back-end server-side logic. We'll look at both adding data supplied by a visitor to our database as well as retrieving it and sending it back to a page. Part one will deal with setting up Apache, PHP and mySQL, while part two will look at writing the PHP and jQuery that will make the page work.

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A Simple Image Viewer with jQuery part Two

Welcome to part 2 of this introductory jQuery tutorial; in part one we looked at some of the basic concepts of the library and how its methods and functions should be targeted with code. We finished off by adding a basic effect to our page in the form of a caption that faded in on a mouse over event on any content image, and faded back out on a mouse out event.

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A Simple Image Viewer with jQuery part One

In the ever expanding universe of JavaScript libraries, jQuery stands out from the crowd in several important ways; first off, its incredibly tiny, at just 21k in its compressed state it's one of the smallest libraries available, but don't think that this extremely small footprint means that it lacks the power and robustness of some of the bigger libraries available.

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