Explore the Request an Extension


who is online ..!?

It would be nice to be able to see the users who are logged on to the site

for example

logged user : John,Smith,Charles,Tobi

and when the user logged out or the session ends ,the user will be removed from the list , you guys know maybe some extension that

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how do i upload flat / excel / text file to php msql database ?

Anyone know how to upload a flat file / excel spreadsheet / tab comma deliminnated text file to a MSQl database using php or a dreamweaver mxp extension? I'm not a programmer so an all-in-one solution would help! Thanks. Read More

Connect to MySQL DB using .NET Framework

I'd love to see an extension that let's me use vb.net to talk to a MySQL database.

Chris Miller

Havoc Interactive:   Web · Multimedia  · Tools

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ASP.NET (VB) Move to Random Record

I am looking for an extenion (like the ASP extension on this site) that gets a random record in asp.net.

Thanks for any help.

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Use XML as datasource

I've seen extensions where you can use filesystem objects as datasources, but has anyone got or does anyone know of a link to a page where you can use XML files as datasources instead of SQL server or Access (God how I hate that word)?

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