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Gluing it all Together with Sitespring

It is said that it takes a village to raise a family, I would say that it also takes a village to raise a Web site. Think of it, for any web project you have anywhere from 8-15 people tightly involved with the decisions, design, programming, content and management. In the real world, you know that any Web project must be done in 6-12 weeks. Any longer and the data you are working with is already becoming obsolete. Sure, there are some applications you can buy to help manage your projects, but none of the “off the shelf” software addresses the specifics of Web projects. The Web is about fast, efficient and immediate. So, how do you manage client expectations while keeping the lines of communication open? Read More

Setting Up IIS 5 under Windows 2000 Professional

There are many tutorials how to set up the PWS under Windows 98. However, wehn you migrate to Windows 2000 Professional, how is the IIS 5 installed?
This tutorial covers the steps of the IIS 5 installation under Windows 2000 Professional. There are many screenshots to show the user around.
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Installing PWS with Windows ME

Microsoft says Windows ME does not contain the Personal Web Server (PWS). However, it is possible to install the PWS with Windows ME. See a page with links to resources dealing with the installation of PWS with Windows ME. Also includes Macromedia resources. Read More

What the heck are Server Side Includes?

Are you one of many who has heard a lot about SSI, Includes, .shtml, etc... lately? Well, they're usually referring to Server Side Includes.

By Pete Gullekson

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NewMail Object (CDONTS Library)

The NewMail object provides for sending a message with very few lines of code. This Article gives you an index of all available properties.

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Transferring files using WebDAV in UltraDev 4 with IIS 5.0

In order to transfer Active Server Pages (ASP) and ColdFusion (CFML) files using Dreamweaver UltraDev's WebDAV protocol support features and Microsoft Internet Information Server, specific and careful configuration through the IIS Management Console is required. This setup is germane only to IIS 5.0, which includes extensions that support Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning.

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