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Creating Detail Pages with navigation links

Sometimes, it could be useful to include navigation links in our detail pages, so users could browse through the entire range of records without having to go back to the master page each time. When using the current master-detail page set builder included in UD4 this feature is completely impossible, since the ASP scripts included in the detail page filter the recordset so it only includes a single record.

With this tutorial we will cover the procedure of creating filtered-recordsets for Detail Pages that allow our users to browse through the entire records range.

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mm-ultradev article/rating/comment system

This article, rating and comment application is 99% with UltraDev 4 and MS Access 2000. A few If Then Else statements are used to make things work nicely. It consists of an overview page with the ARTICLE HEADLINES with links to the DETAILED ARTICLE page.

This detailed page has a RATING and COMMENT function at one time. The visitor can RATE the article directly on a scale from 1 to 5 (poor/excellent) and view the result instantly.

It provides NUMBER OF VOTERS, AVERAGE SCORE, HIGHEST SCORE and LOWEST SCORE. The graphical part is based on the AVERAGE score and sets it self of against the MAXIMUM score of 5. A background image is used to make the MAXIMUM score viewable.

The vistor can also give COMMENTS on the article which are NOT neccesary when RATING the article (optional). When he/she does the COMMENT is directly available for viewing on the same page. It gives the COMMENT date and visitors IP address as togehter with the actual comment. Here it is where the If Then Else statements help out ! So when no RATING is made and no COMMENTS are given, everything still looks nice.

The power of this application is due to the SQL statements that are used to retrieve the INFORMATION from the database and manipulate it. Connection string to the DB is custom (!)

Hope you enjoy it and learn from it.................at least i did (!)

there are a few un-used SQL statements in the application that can contribute in the statistics overview !


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Using stored procedures within Dreamweaver UltraDev

Stored procedures are used to increase Web application performance, ease the maintenance of SQL statements within Web pages and provide for the reuse of commonly used SQL statements. Dreamweaver UltraDev has a built in feature that allows for the use of stored procedures within Web pages.

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Poll - How To create one?

Following pages will help beginners to create  a poll voting system. There are two main sections and first one is a Poll tutorial and second one is introduction into a  Poll Voting System.
You don't need to have excesive knowledge of handcoding or database to create a simple poll. Just follow the instructions and if you get stuck feel freee to e-mail me.
You can also visit Poll Voting System 1.0 help site.

Have fun

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Email Password after user answers a personal question.

This tutorial will go over all the steps to set up a single page that will ask for a User Name, ask them their password reminder question, Then E-mail them their password when/if they answer the question correctly. Read More
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