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Send user Password by Email if User forgets

Allow the your Users the opportunity to receive their Passwords by Email if they forget by submitting their Usernames. Once the User submits his or her registered Username, an email is automatically sent to the Email the Username registered with. Read More

Ultradev DB Connections using a Brinkster Free Acount

Learn how to connect your Ultradev pages to your database when using a free account at Brinkster. Read More

PD editor insert-image

This tutorial will show you how to add an insert image and pre-view function to your PD html editor. Read More

PureUpload delete file before delete/update

This tutorial explains how to delete a file before the update or delete sql statement is executed.

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Getting the Information You Need

Have you ever had anyone scream at you “I NEED THE SALES FIGURES FOR THE NORTHERN GROUP ON OUR WEB SITE! TODAY!!” Ever had those days? You can put these figures on a web site. But, why not have the web site do it for you with dynamically driven web pages. To be able to access this type of information you need a database. But, more than that, you need to be able to query the content in the database. To do this on a Web page you must be learn how to leverage the Structured Query Language (SQL). Sound hard? Fortunately, Macromedia has come bounding to our rescue with tool designed for these types of crisis: Dreamweaver UltraDev. In this article you will learn how to create SQL usingDreamweaver UltraDev’s easy to use interface. Read More

Creating Simple Rollover Images

This lesson will demonstrate how to create simple rollovers in Dreamweaver 4. We created some source files for you to follow along with if you don't want to take the time right now to create some buttons. Read More

Restoring your DW/UD Configuration

If you're like like me and frequestly mess about with DW/UD standard toolsets without really knowing what's going on then here's a few tips to make sure you don't kill DW/UD outright.............. Read More

Dreamweaver 4 Tutorial: Tips and Tricks

Learn Dreamweaver 4 tips and tricks by reading this project focussed tutorial. Read More

Nested Query on Parent/Child table

This tutorial shows how to use a nested query on a parent/child table to count the records in that child table and display them togehter with the parent record. Read More

Hit counters for all the individual records of one table in the database.

I wanted to make a hit counter for my site which could count all the hits for each individual record of one table in the database. I searched the Internet but could not find what I wanted. Then I asked George Petrov of www.udzone.com and he explained how it could be done. Thanks George.
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