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Making a site admin page in PHP

Many budding pro web designers don't consider the client after-care that seperates the professionals from the wannabes. Allowing a client to administer the site themselves, without having to call you up and wait for amends, might seem like a way to deny yourself money -  but it gains you the all-important goodwill that you need in this competitive industry.

Using Dreamweaver and PHP, Matt shows you how you to make an admin site so that your clients can add, delete or amend content by themselves, without having to edit the HTML themselves or call you up to make minor site amends. This tutorial is suitable for intermediate level DW PHP developers (or beginners who read his last article)

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Working with Text in PHP

In today's article we continue with our gentle introduction to the underlying code in your Dreamweaver MX crafted PHP pages. This time we'll be looking at how you can use PHP to format text variables and text returned from your database queries. We'll see what the PHP functions are, how they are used and how to implement them in both raw PHP code as well as through the Dreamweaver IDE. Read More

ASP.NET Web Services and Dreamweaver

In this article Chris Ullman explains the significance of ASP.NET web services and demonstrates how they can be used together with Dreamweaver, when he builds a fully functioning web service in VB.NET and uses an ASP.NET page to consume the output generated from the web service. Read More

PHP Language Constructs

In this article for PHP beginners, Allan takes you through the language’s control structures and constructs. These are the building blocks of a scripting language and allow it to make ‘decisions’ or repeat irms of code, unlike HTML which just renders top to bottom. After reading this, and attaching the supplied cheat sheet to your computer monitor, you’ll have the fundamental building blocks of the language at your command.

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Working with Files in PHP

In this tutorial, we look at using files in PHP. In the first part of this article, we are going to look at how to get a directory listing of all the files and directories at a specified path on your web server.

We then move on to looking at how to write text files on the server, in csv format so they can easily be used in the many applications that can read csv (Comma Seperated Value) files, and how to dump the contents of a Dreamweaver MX recordset to a csv file.

Next we look at reading back existing csv files, and storing the data in an array so that it's easy to work with it. Finally we close the article by looking at some other file related commands, such as using unlink() to delete a file.

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Adding Dynamic Data (PHP/My SQL) to your site

In this standalone tutorial, Matt supplies the CSS and layout that he built in previous articles, and shows you how to add database connectivity using My SQL and PHP - ideal for beginners to dynamic databases and server-side functionality. Read More

ASP to ASP.NET: The lifetime of an ASP.Net page

Evil terms such as "object-oriented programming" and "modularised and reusable code" start bubbling up to the surface from programming's dank depths. But don't fear. In this article, Chris examines the mindset and code changes required to grapple with the lifetime of an ASP.NET page, Event Handling, Sessions and State, Configuration, The Application and Cache Objects, Managed providers in ADO.NET, and Disconnected Adapters, Views and Tables. And we guarantee that you'll still be sane by the end. Read More

Advanced search

This tutorial covers creating an advanced search form.  In building the form up from one where the criteria covers a single field in the database to one where we can search for specific values within any or all of the fields in our database, we'll cover creating recordsets, adding parameters to them and modifying the recordset behavior code in Code View to provide both AND and OR queries to our recordset.

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PHP Classes: Inheritance and Serialize

In this article, we look at the concept of inheritance, and see how you can create a class which extends another class. This is an excellent way of making your code more readable, more modular, easier to debug and quicker to develop.

We then look at how the data from a class can easily be stored, so an exact copy of the class complete with all its data can be reconstructed at a later date. Read More

ASP to ASP.NET: The mindset change

Chris Ullman has vast experience of ASP and ASP.NET and is equally at home using either technology. In this series of articles, he explores not only the coding differences involved in migrating from ASP to ASP.NET, but the changes in mindset necessary to take maximum advantage from the new technology Read More

PHP Primer - Back to Basics

While Dreamweaver MX is a powerful application for visually creating your web pages, you will, before long, find that you get stuck into the PHP code. In this, the first in a series of articles that looks at the PHP language, we kick off with a look at the basics of how the language works and find out about variables and variable types.
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Classes and Objects in PHP

In the first article from the series, we introduce classes, and show how they can easily be used to create libraries of code that can be used in a range of different projects. The article also introduces a simple class to make it easier to work with times and dates, and can easily be adapted to be used in your own projects.

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