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HTML5 Data Bindings Extended Repeater Released and on Sale

HTML5 Data Bindings Extended Repeater is the must have addition for HTML5 Data Bindings if you want to have full client side paging, sorting, custom start index on your repeaters and even custom repeaters! From the interactive user interface you can name your repeater, choose the type, enter the data source, select the start record and page and even give your page a size.This powerful tool works together with the newly improved HTML5 Data Bindings and is currently on sale until next Wednesday!

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Features Unveiled: HTML5 Data Bindings Extended Repeater Add-on

Just a day before the official release we made a list of the features included in the HTML5 Data Bindings Extended Repeater Add-on. Among others our developers included full client side paging and sorting, custom start index, custom repeaters, support for DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter and more that you can check out below. Make sure to be with us tomorrow when we'll release this great tool!

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HTML5 Data Bindings Extended Repeater Add-on Coming on Wednesday

We know it's August and it's the vacation season but our developers have been working hard on a few Data bindings add-ons and we're ready to show you the first one, which is set for release this Wednesday. It's called HTML5 Data Bindings Extended Repeater Add-on and now you can have full client side paging, sorting, custom start index on your repeaters and even custom repeaters! All those nicely controllable by behaviors and working together with the DMXzone Behavior Connector.

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Web MP3 Player for Your Online Music

This week we have two improved extension that will allow you to make your website sound look amazing. The newly updated HTML5 MP3 Player and the HTML5 Music Visualizer Add-on feature great improvements such as compatibility with Dreamweaver CC 2014 and DMXzone Extension Manager. Also the HTML5 MP3 Player contains the latest jQuery 1.11.1 and the Visualizer add-on comes with improved effects. Don't forget to check out our latest showcases where we used these awesome tools to create a web mp3 player.

Until next Wednesday HTML5 MP3 Player and HTML5 Music Visualizer Add-on are on sale so you can get them with a discount in the Extensions section. 

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More Design Awesomeness with Extended Bootstrap 3 Collection

We continue to inspire you with ideas that you can bring to live with our DMXzone extensions. In today's showcase again we used the Extended Bootstrap 3 Collection which features DMXzone Bootstrap 3 for the fully responsive layout, DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Navigation for the menu and DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Elements for the page content. Additionally this set of extensions also contains an animation tool, the HTML5 Animate CSS that we used for the images. For the demo page we also used the default theme from the DMXzone Bootswatch.

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DMXzone Database Updater and Formatter Improved

We have a couple of more improved extensions for you today, starting with the HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter which comes with improved handling of regular expressions and improved filters parameter parsing. In our latest video tutorial we'll show you how to use HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter and regular expressions in order to validate a form field. Additionally DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP is improved for Dreamweaver CC 2014 and DMXzone Extension Manager.

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DMXzone Extension Manager Gets Super Powers

We are starting the week with an exclusive update of the DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver which comes with a number of great improvements. The latest version of our stand-alone application offers improved support for running on local networks and behind corporate proxy environments, improved extensions installation support for adding document types in Dreamweaver and many more.

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Master-Detail Relationship with HTML5 Data Bindings and Connector

Just before we head for the weekend our developers are bringing you an updated versions of our superstar extension HTML5 Data Bindings and the DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP. Along with the latest jQuery 1.11.1, HTML5 Data Bindings also comes with improved pagination and compatibility with DMXzone Ajax Form, and DMXzone Extension Manager. Also in our latest video tutorial, that you can watch below, you'll learn how to filter a data source using a value from another data source so check it out!

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Advanced HTML Editor 3 and Its Add-ons Got Power Boost

Creating beautiful and rich content online has never been easier. With the improved Advanced HTML Editor 3 you can enable editing of live text, images, tables and other content without any HTML knowledge, visually like in Microsoft Word. Turn Advanced HTML Editor 3 into your own custom CMS with just a few clicks, directly from within Dreamweaver and make your websites dynamic and editable by your clients with the number of available add-ons. Check out below what's new and take advantage of the multiple purchase discount if you still don't have these amazing tools!

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Bootstrap 3 and Its Add-ons Get More Power

Our most famous extension DMXzone Bootstrap 3 and its add-ons - Navigation, Elements and the free Bootswatch are the next great selection of Dreamweaver tools that feature great improvements. If by any chance you still haven't tried the amazing Twitter Bootstrap framework and it powers you can still have a few hours to get all the extensions with a great discount thanks to the 20% Summer sale and the multiple purchase discount. All you need to do is add the extensions in your shopping cart, apply DMXSUMMER14 promo code and you're good to go.

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