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UDzone and InterAKT Online Agreement

InterAKT Online and UDzone have agreed to sell InterAKT's latest additions to their UltraDev PHP Extensions Product Range: ImpAKT and NeXTensio. Both extensions are targeted to professional php web developers and are great additions to UltraDev regarding dynamic site creation and maintenance for php websites.

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Beer to Belly4 The Web Developers Event

Nic Skitt and Kevin Davis will be organizing a new episode of the Beer to Belly (B2B) Web developers event in the UK, Shrewsbury. December the 16th. B2B is an informal meeting of several enthousiastic Web Developers in the UK aiming at getting to know each other and learn from each other.

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Very interesting public beta extension

UltraDev is a fantastic tool to create database driven websites. But every time you want to change the structure of your database, you have to use an other piece of software to do so. This is a very time consuming process.
Bruno Mairlot - one of the enthusiastic Zone Managers on this site - decided to solve this problem with his Server Administrator extension. You have the chance to take a beta drive when you use a MySQL server.

Note : This extension works in Dreamweaver and UltraDev.

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NeXTensio & ImpAKT 1.0.2 + new NeXTensio licensing scheme

InterAKT announces the mature versions of NeXTensio and ImpAKT, 1.0.2
Toghether with this release, a new licensing scheme for NeXTensio was designed, that will allow many other developers to use NeXTensio at a lower price for a particular platform. Now NeXTensio can be bought for ASP or for PHP only, at a more advantageous price.

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Logout and Redirect to Referer URL

Log out your User and redirect him or her back to the URL that was being viewed directly prior to the logout.

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CF Cookie Suite for Ultradev

This brand new Coldfusion Cookie Suite for Ultradev gives you 36 Extensions that will allow you to manipulate cookies throughout your pages quickly and efficiently.

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UDzone and Public Domain agreement

UDzone is proud to announce their agreement with Public Domain to sell the PD Configuration Switcher at this site. The PD Configuration Switcher allows you to quickly switch between different configurations of Dreamweaver, UltraDev and Fireworks and is a must have for everyone who wants to be able to use their software with different configurations. There are several reasons why UDzone has been working on this agreement.  Read More

Red Hat Linux 7.2 Released

Red Hat Linux 7.2, released today, has improved device support, security and new graphical tools make Red Hat Linux 7.2 the platform of choice for your technical workstation. Red Hat services, including Red Hat Network and technical support, help you get started and keep your system secure and current.

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New CSS Know-How Site

There have been quite a few CSS related questions in the Dreamweaver and UltraDev community lately. MaKo (a well known contributor in the newsgroups) noticed this demand for more info and developed a CSS dedicated website: The CSS Know-How Site. Read More

MySQL 4.0 is out !

The first alpha release of the long awaited free database server MySQL 4 is out. It can be downloaded from: www.mysql.com/downloads/

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