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4 days left till launch!

Thursday is launching day. Meet another writer that will write every other Thursday: Rachel Andrew!

Rachel's first articles for DMXzone will be on Cascading Style Sheets, and Web Accessibility. Many people are aware that Style Sheets are a cure for cancer and will put an end to war and famine (or so many CSS advocates seem to claim!). However, finding out how to use them in your day to day web development, or how to retrofit your nested-tables site is difficult. So Rachel will take a traditional ‘tabular’ site apart, replacing the old fashioned, bandwidth-guzzling layout with CSS producing an identical (or better!) –looking  site that can be used on any internet-enabled device, is compatible with all modern browsers, and downloads much faster - and is accessible for users with a disability.

Then Rachel will teach on the mysterious art of making your sites Accessible. From being regarded as a fringe activity a year ago, now Web Accessibility is asked for on job adverts - and in some circumstances is legally required in the US, Japan and Europe.

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Only 5 days left till Launch!

We are counting down the days. Excitement is growing!
Meet the writer that will write every other Thursday: Gareth Downes-Powell!

Gareth has been a great teacher of the new PHP capabilities of Dreamweaver MX and will be writing a series of advanced PHP tutorials describing how to use Objects and Classes to create reusable code. As a demonstration he’ll show how to create a custom database class, that makes it easy to work with a MySQL database from within your own code, and take your PHP/ MySQL skills to the next level.


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Only 6 days till launch!

We are delighted to announce that every Friday, our Premium Content author is Tom Dell’Aringa, starting Friday 16th May 2003.

Tom is our JavaScript guru; he told us “I’m writing for both DW/UD users and users in general who are *somewhat familiar* with JavaScript (in that they use those apps to create them but not write them from scratch), who may have tried their hand at one or two scripts.

I want to teach you how to correctly use JavaScript by giving them the basics of scripting first, then covering some simple, commonly used scripting next. Then I will move on with topics like always making sure that the code is efficient and that the user experience is good.

I strongly feel that if you are going to be a developer on the front end, and get through an job interview convincingly, you need to know JavaScript and know it well”.

Each article costs just $1.99 to download – making it the cheapest way to learn these vital skills for Dreamweaver professional.

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7 days till Launch!

Next Thursday, May 15th, is the first day of our Premium Content Articles. At DMXzone we are delighted to announce our regular Thursday authors, Gareth Downes-Powell and Rachel Andrew.

Gareth will write every second Thursday, starting May 15. He’s been a great teacher of the new PHP capabilities of Dreamweaver MX and will be writing a series of advanced PHP tutorials describing how to use Objects and Classes to create reusable code. As a demonstration he’ll show how to create a custom database class, that makes it easy to work with a MySQL database from within your own code, and take your PHP/ MySQL skills to the next level.

Rachel will write every second Thursday, starting from May 22. Her first articles for DMXzone will be on Cascading Style Sheets, and Web Accessibility. Many people are aware that Style Sheets are a cure for cancer and will put an end to war and famine (or so many CSS advocates seem to claim!). However, finding out how to use them in your day to day web development, or how to retrofit your nested-tables site is difficult. So Rachel will take a traditional ‘tabular’ site apart, replacing the old fashioned, bandwidth-guzzling layout with CSS producing an identical (or better!) –looking  site that can be used on any internet-enabled device, is compatible with all modern browsers, and downloads much faster - and is accessible for users with a disability.

Then Rachel will teach on the mysterious art of making your sites Accessible. From being regarded as a fringe activity a year ago, now Web Accessibility is asked for on job adverts - and in some circumstances is legally required in the US, Japan and Europe.

Each article costs just $1.99 to download – making it the cheapest way to learn these vital skills for Dreamweaver professional. Read More

Coming up: Professional Content

We at DMXzone are happy to announce our latest adventure. We are adding professional content to DMXzone starting May 15 at a very low introduction price per article of $1.99.

We have contracted world renowned writers that will be writing new articles especially for DMXzone on a daily basis. You as a member will be able to see an overview of the article and when you decide to purchase the article you can either read it online or download it to your computer.

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Bruce Lawson joins the DMXzone Team

We at DMXzone would like to introduce you to a new member of the DMXzone Team: Bruce Lawson!

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Bundles Updated

We have updated the following bundles:

Please read the following before you go and install the latest versions of these extensions.

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JSP UltraSuite Extensions Package for Dreamweaver MX

The JSP UltraSuite Extensions Package for Dreamweaver MX is now available for sale.  This package will contain over fifty easy-to-use, time saving server behaviors.  These server behaviors will be in the following modules:

- JSPCookies
- JSPSessions
- JSPProductivity
- JSPLogin
- JSPMail

More details about this product are available here.

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New installation process

An important message to our members:

Our extensions have become very popular, so popular that there are illegal copies on the net.
We like to be famous and in the spotlight, but do not agree with piracy.

To protect you we have created a new installation process that will require you to enter a Serial Number and to login to DMXzone before installation can be finalized.

All our existing customers will receive a Personal Serial Number by email. If you do not receive a serial number email us at info@dmxzone.com

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InterAKT releases new versions of it's MX products


The new QuB version comes with lots of bug fixes and improvements. This release has full support for PHP 4.3 and ADOdb 2.91 while including some new features as real time refresh table and unlimited queries.

NeXTensio - The solution for building website administration tools (version 1.6.0). 

The new NeXTensio version comes after a long period of silence, and fixes most of the known bugs in NeXTensio 1.5.

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