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Lovely Doggies and Pretty Bunnies

Oolong is a rabbit that lived in Japan. “When I put various objects on his head, he stays still for a minute. This is just a result of an intimate relationship between me and Oolong.” writes his owner.  Obviously, a rabbit with such talent is  the subject of many a movie, and even an exhibition. Sadly, Oolong passed away but is not forgotten.

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CSS/ XHTML redesign of Adaptive Path explained

Doug Bowman has redesigned the AdaptivePath site using CSS and XHTML. Highlights of the redesign include:


  • Drastic reduction in use of images for titles, subtitles, navigation, and blurb text.
  • File size of the home page HTML dropped by 56% (20.9 KB to 9.2 KB).
  • JavaScript rollover effects in navigation eliminated and replaced by using CSS hover states for simplified tab- and subtab-like navigation.
  • Pages can be toggled between several variants of two- and three-column layouts simply by changing the body class.
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    British man jailed for software piracy

    "A 23-year-old trainee accountant has been sentenced to 12 months in prison and fined £15,000 for selling thousands of pounds worth of counterfeit software. Bilal Khan had been selling pirate software, primarily copies of Adobe, Macromedia and Microsoft products, via online auction sites" reports vnunet.

    found by Bruce

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    ZDNet report: What works with E-commerce

    "E-commerce is on every company's agenda, but implementing a successful, secure system is far from straightforward. Read this indispensible guide to find out how to do it properly"


    • allow people to "see the product" by zooming in/ 360 degree views via Flash
    • Optimise the ordering process (eg, Amazon "One-click" or eBay "Buy It Now")
    • Let customers know the progress of the order (eg, FedEX order tracking)
    • Make your website geographically aware

    (found by Bruce)

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    Best ever use of Amazon.com web services

    The rudest, most cynical rock-critic of all-time asks for the name of your favourite artist/ band, interrogates Amazon.com and then delivers a blistering (and very very vulgar) attack on that artist using song titles from the database. (Via metafilter)

    Now that's what Web Services are really for.

    (WARNING: extremely offensive language inevitable)

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    PHP 5.0.0 Beta 1 is released

    The PHP development community has announce the release of PHP 5 Beta 1. It is available for download in the Downloads Section. A list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file.


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    Human beings 1, Spammers 0

    "On July 3 2003, cyberangels.nl was re-registered by Spamvrij.nl, a Dutch foundation fighting spam. Previously, the domain was owned by the company Cyberangels, who have been majorly involved in spamming. They felt forced to drop it when the ground under their feet got too hot.

    Since MX-records for cyberangels.nl now point to spamvrij.nl too, we get all their mail: bounces, spam complaints and what have you. Have a peek: what kind of mail does a major spammer receive in the course of three days? By now, we have a very precise answer: 6305 mails. Here is the breakdown of those mails."


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    Dreamweaver Serial Numbers

    We get lots of mails asking us for Dreamweaver serial numbers. We ask that instead you fill in this form or call USA 800-343-3325, which is free - as we guess that people asking us for serial  numbers prefer not to spend any money at all... Read More

    Safari 1.0 released for Mac

    SafariMaybe I'll write to the lead developer, Dave Hyatt http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/hyatt/ and ask him when Safrai for Windows will be ready for download..


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    Interview with Eric Meyer - you ask the questions!

    [eric's picture] In a couple of weeks, we’re interviewing Eric Meyer who is a CSS guru and Standards evangelist at Netscape. Do you have a question you would like to put to him? Mail us by clicking here.

    Visit Eric's site for more info about him>>

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