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KaZaa users hunted down by RIAA like the dogs they are!

Now that the two sons of Saddam are toast, it's time to focus on Enemies of Freedom #2. Yes, of course, I mean Kazaa users - those sapping the lifeblood of those record companies who find and nurture talent like Atomic Kitten, Tatu, Shania Twain and the Cheeky Girls.

The RIAA have a list of those users that they are pursuing. Are you on the list? Tell us what you think!

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10 Most Dangerous Web Vulnerabilities

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)  released their list of top 10 vulnerabilities in web applications.

(found by Bruce)

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Fight for your Right to Flash!

Agreement between Palestine and Israel is not quite reached on matters like the Golan Heights, West Bank etc but there is concord in the petition to Macromedia to support right-to-left languages such as Hebrew and Arabic. Read More

Microsoft revenues up 11% to $8bn last quarter

Microsoft 's revenue was $8.07 billion for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, an 11% increase over revenue of $7.25 billion for the same period in the prior year. Operating income for the fourth quarter came in at $2.19 billion, which included charges of $796 million primarily related to the settlement of the AOL Time Warner lawsuit, Microsoft announced.

Apple said that their quarterly net income fell about 40 percent as higher costs from opening its retail stores offset revenue growth at the maker of Macintosh.


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Jack Nicholson Photoshop contest

(File under Friday silly stuff)

Zeldman spotted the Jack Nicholson is everywhere Photoshop competition. To the 29% of the DMXzone community who rate their Photoshop skills as "Top of the heap. I'm a Jedi Knight/ Ninja Turtle. Ain't nuthin' I can't do", I say: get Photoshopping! Let's see loads of DMXzoners on there....

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Massive microsoft security flaw discovered

In a shock announcement, it was announced today that users of all Windows machines running anything other than ME should patch immediately or "an attacker could change Web pages, reformat the hard disk, or add new users to the local administrators group". Assuming you think that it might not be A Good Thing for that to happen, you'll want get the patch.

Who would've thought it?

(Part 455787 in a series of 940923)

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AOL kills Netscape

I just got a mail from CSS guru Eric Meyer telling me that AOL have killed Netscape. Mass redundancies. Mozilla (my preferred browser) will continue with $2million from AOL. News.com say (basically) "who cares?". It's being discussed on metafilter where they generally believe it liberates Mozilla and is good for that browser. 

The Register says "Netscape's death will provoke a thousand arguments, but none will be so useful as utility. Well, maybe and perhaps, browsers don't really matter too much. But the fact that Microsoft's miserable excuse for a web browser - a sorry piece of code that has been untouched by human hand for many years, now - speaks volumes about indulging the wrong kind of people with big responsibilities. In the end, it was these coders who failed us"

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Search Engine News

The BBC reports an initiative to provide a search engine for the world's poor. Meanwhile, in the world of the rich, Yahoo! buys a rival for $1.6 billion, in move that The Guardian says is " the clearest signal yet that the internet sector is rebounding in confidence". News.com has some good analysis.


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Charon Cart 3 released

I have rewritten the popular Charon Cart extension and have released Charon Cart 3. In this realease I have fixed a number of bugs and improved the generated code. It now uses VB Script classes and XML in the engine.

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Where is Macromedia going?!

Macromedia. What's happening? Product Manager David Deming has left Macromedia; Matt Brown, the excellent DW community manager, just stopped blogging and left the building, and Macromedia have sacked some of their Team Macromedia volunteers. Given that there's at least half a million Dreamweaver users out there, you'd think Macromedia would be ploughing money into community management.
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