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10% of U.S. High-tech jobs to be out-sourced to 3rd world.

The Taipei Times says that US high-tech firms will outsource one out of 10 jobs to low-cost emerging markets by the end of next year, according to a report Tuesday by a market research firm.

In related news, writing Shakespeare plays has been out-sourced to a team of virtual monkeys.

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MX Widgets, NeXTensio2 launched by InterAKT

MX Widgets Suite (PHP) is a collection of server behaviors for Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, designed to help developers create complex HTML controls similar to the Access ones.

NeXTensio 2 was designed to help developers build administration sections for their database-driven websites. The main product feature is the generation of record lists and forms, allowing programmers to edit database content with ease.

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Web Accessibility Resources and Forums

Accessify.com, maintained as a labour of love by Web Standards Project member, Ian Lloyd, has a new forum for discussing and learning how to make your websites accessible, www.accessifyForum.com. Read More

The Big Hack hasn't happened..........yet

Update Aug 5 at 3pm: Reports of Linux hacking..

This weekend saw some interesting activity, however. Microsoft.com was down on Friday 1st August, but repaired again. A spokesperson for Microsoft said:

“This attack does not have any association with any known vulnerability in Microsoft software. Microsoft has contacted the appropriate authorities, is cooperating in the investigation of the cause of this attack, and will take appropriate action. We regret any inconvenience this has caused to visitors to the Microsoft.com Web site.”

It’s an important distinction to note; the news has been full of critical microsoft Windows flaws that could allow a malicious hacker to take control of a user’s computer. But this attack didn’t exploit those flaws; it was a simple ‘nuclear’ attack by lots of hostile machines all attempting to access the site at once, locking out genuine attempts to request pages.

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The Big Hack Starting?

As we mentioned in our newsletter, there's a lot of news about a potential big hack beginning tomorrow. is it starting now?

The U.S. Homeland Security Department cautioned Wednesday that it had detected an "Internet-wide increase in scanning" for victim computers. I've personally seen a 300% increase in alerts from my firewall - and there's rumours on newsgroups about several big hosting companies suffering 24 hour outages.

The hack alert comes after the recent alerts of critical security flaws in Microsoft's DirectX software. A chinese group, Xfocus ("From the Internet. For the Internet. Have fun!") posted code exploiting the flaw.

Could be a very long weekend. Let us know if you hear of anyone going down.

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Wanted: The World's Best Programmer - salary: outrageous.

Location: SuperYacht. Salary: Outrageous. The Hours are a very reasonable 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You will be working for an inconsiderate, insensitive, demanding swine that expects everything to be done yesterday and is intolerant of feeble excuses like "It's impossible".

Advert in The Times (found on MetaFilter)

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Goodbye IE, says Tim Bray

Tim Bray was a co-inventor of XML and speaks at lots of conferences on the future of the Web. Last week he wrote on why IE is history. Read More

ASP.NET is better than PHP

says Microsoft.

"No it isn't" says php architect.

"Yes it is", say Microsoft.

What do you say?

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24 July - New Windows Critical Security Patch

Only one week after the last critical Windows Security Flaw, the BBC reports another one.

The flaw involves DirectX, an extensive collection of programming add-ons for Windows used by computer games. If exploited, the flaw could allow a malicious hacker to run their own specially crafted computer code to plant a virus or even take over a machine.

Here's the patch. Here's Lindows, a Linux based Operating system, with the ease of Windows, but without the security flaws.

(Part 455788 in a series of 940923)


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