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Microsoft offer bounty of $500K for arrest of virus writers

Bill "Sheriff" Gates has put a bounty on the writers of MSBlast and the Sobig viruses - half a million dollars for information leading to the arrest of those varmints, ZDNet reports

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New Windows virus - and Microsoft kill Windows Messenger

A virus which pretends to be a security patch from an Anti-Virus firm is going round. The Sober virus has attachments called  anti_virusdoc.pif, check-patch.bat, playme.exe and others. More at The Register which also reports that Microsoft are discontinuing the Windows Messenger Service in Win XP (this is different from the Microsoft messenger which allows you to waste hours chatting to friends. Microsoft are also going to turn on the firewall by default in XP. Like, duh! Read More

Dreamweaver and Flash for Linux

Codeweavers have announced support for Dreamweaver and Flash to Linux in  the CrossOver Office 2.1 product that already has support for Photoshop. CrossOver Office 2.1 is priced at $59.95 per user.

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Poll for members who use Macromedia

Hello members of DMXzone,

I am currently in the process of developing a business plan and would
greatly appreciate your help.

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Win a copy of The Dreamweaver Developer's Instant Troubleshooter

DMXzone premium tutors Rachel Andrew and Gareth Downes-Powell, together with new premium tutor Kevin Marshall, Drew McLellan and Nancy Gill, have got together with Apress to bring you The Dreamweaver Developer's Instant Troubleshooter.

Our founder, George Petrov writes, "This is the best book for professional Dreamweaver users who need to know how to integrate other web technologies, but don't need yet another tour around the menus. Real solutions to real problems that will save you lots of time ... not to mention hair!".

Read more about this book.

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This email will self-destruct in 5 seconds...

The BBC reports that Microsoft Office 2003 has a new feature, the lemming email, which can be set by the sender to delete itself after a specified time period - and which can be prevented from being forwarded or even printed. A free Office Viewer will be available for those who don't run Office but receive a lemming mail.

The big question is: will anyone use it? Many companies have a policy or regulatory requirement to retain emails for a certain time period. I bet some of these people will love it, though...

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10% off e-commerce suite for DMXzone members

DMXzone partners, LaGarde make the e-commerce suite Storefront and are offering a 10% discount for all DMXzone members. Storefront is a full suite that integrates with Dreamweaver and allows you to build product management, marketing and order management facilities for your clients.

Register and login first to receive your 10% off discount


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More security updates for Windows

Microsoft has warned of four new flaws in the Windows Software. Microsoft will now issue monthly warnings and security patches.

It has promised to rush out an emergency patch midmonth if it determines hackers are actively breaking into computers using a flaw it can repair immediately.

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Verisign removes "SiteFinder"

We reported in our newsletter a week ago that verisign were routeing all browser requests for non-existent .com and .net domain names to their pay-to-list "search engine" that broke spam filters etc. Fortunately, they've now been told to remove it by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). A victory for common sense.

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New Windows Trojan Alert (3 Oct)

A Trojan that exploits an Internet Explorer vulnerability is capable of allowing attackers to hijack browser behaviour, anti-virus firms warn. More at The Register.


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