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Apple Announces Safari 4

Apple announced the public beta of Safari 4. The company claims it's the world’s fastest and most innovative web browser for Mac and Windows PCs. The Nitro engine in Safari 4 runs JavaScript up to 4.2 times faster than Safari 3.

Amongst the new features are Top Sites, for a stunning visual preview of frequently visited pages; Full History Search, to search through titles, web addresses and the complete text of recently viewed pages; Cover Flow, to easily flip through web history or bookmarks; and Tabs on Top, to make tabbed browsing easier and more intuitive.

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Impressive Firefox 3.1 Features

The new 3rd version of the Firefox web browser got a massive overhaul with a multitude of significant improvements and useful new features. Mozilla is currently preparing to ship Firefox 3.1, an incremental release that builds on the strengths of 3.0 and delivers valuable enhancements for Web developers.
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Latest Mac OS X Snow Leopard Screenshots

The latest leaked screenshots of the upcoming Max OS X release confirm that the most sweeping changes to the operating system won't be visible. Apple said that Mac OS X 10.6 would focus more on improving the performance and stability of the operating system, rather than adding features.

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YUI Turns 3 and Comes with a New Release

The YUI library turned 3 years old and is coming with a new release. The framework has really grown-up to provide a solid foundation on which to build upon and developers are certainly benefiting from it’s excellent documentation and QA.

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Smartphones becoming prime platform for app makers

The smartphone is increasingly becoming the platform of choice for a wide variety of application providers. At the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona all the unveiled tools - a webconferencing application and two social networks, respectively - for the growing number of smartphones coming from several vendors.

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Bespin: A new Mozilla Labs Experimental Extensible Code Editor

Bespin proposes an open extensible web-based framework for code editing that aims to increase developer productivity, enable compelling user experiences, and promote the use of open standards.

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Miro 2.0: The open-source video jukebox

Version 2.0 of the open-sourced video jukebox is coming with some changes in order to improve it's usability. One major change is that you can now pop out your playback screen from the main player and you can continue watching videos while you surf in Miro for more videos.

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Java fights Flash

11 years after it's great success, Java still can not compete with the smooth animation and anti-aliasing of Flash because Microsoft joined the battle with dynamic HTML, later reborn as AJAX. Now, Sun is coming back to take another stab at owning user-level interaction.
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The DOM is a Mess

John Resig had a nice chat with the Yahoo! folk about the mess we all face with the DOM. Here are the chat and the presentation in which he details specific issues on a bunch of the DOM methods across the browsers, discusses testing, and work around code for the various browsers.

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HTML5 Features in Latest iPhone

There are two cool additions to the iPhone that now use HTML5 features: Safari JavaScript Database Programming and HTML5 Application Cache.

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