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Yahoo Music - More Social

Yahoo has unveiled its new, more social Yahoo Music. The new site opens Yahoo's doors to content from YouTube, Last.fm, Flickr, and Pandora, and features affiliate links to iTunes Store and Amazon downloads alongside its partnership with Real's rival Rhapsody service. The changes may make the property a more appealing resource, but they could also turn Yahoo Music into less of a destination and more of a forgettable middleman.

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Mozilla Reveals Roadmap for Firefox 3.6

Although Firefox 3.5 is yet to be released, Mozilla has already started planning the next version, which has tentatively been designated 3.6, with the codename Namoroka. Firefox 3.6 is loosely scheduled for release in 2010.

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Firefox 3.0- The Most Popular Web Browser in Europe

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 became the most popular web browser in Europe last week, overtaking Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 for the first time on a weekly basis according to web analytics firm StatCounter. Firefox 3.0 took 35.05% of the European web browser market followed by 34.54% for IE 7.0.

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Yahoo's Mobile Web Makeover

Yahoo's completely redesigned mobile hub on the Web is a tall, scrollable mashup of search, news, e-mail, social networking, finance, weather, sports scores, and any other RSS feed you'd want to add.

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Chrome for OS X: State of the Browser

With advanced features like website task managers, visual histories, individual browser memory management, and even the ability to re-open tabs that you accidentally closed, Chrome promised to reshape the browser, offering new abilities and capabilities that went beyond the status quo. Windows users got immediate access to those capabilities, but Google has yet to release Chrome for OS X and Linux.

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DMXzone Now Uses Cool New Page Navigation

We've improved the DMXzone  page navigation to make browsing through the large lists of items and articles easy and quick. Now, you can get to the last page with just a mouse click.

Check out the preview of the navigation that is fully CSS based. It fits with DMXzone perfectly, doesn't it?

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Linda Goin is Back with us at DMXzone

Linda Goin is back with us, but not in her previous role as a designer...instead, she will take you into the realm of social media, where new ground is being broken on a daily basis. Linda will take you on a weekly journey into tools such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more as she shows you how to apply these tools to your career as a programmer, designer and all-around Web guru. Learn how to increase your following, add to your reach and refine your techniques as you begin to learn these tools for marketing and socializing.

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OnLive could threaten Xbox, PS3, and Wii

OnLive, which was started by WebTV founder Steve Perlman and former Eidos CEO Mike McGarvey, is aiming to launch a system-seven years in the works-that will digitally distribute first-run, AAA games from publishers like Electronic Arts, Take-Two, Ubisoft, Atari, and others, all at the same time as those titles are released into retail channels.

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iPhone 3.0's Hidden Features

Tethering, Publish Video, Find my iPhone and Updated Podcast UI are some of the 80 missing features that were not demonstrated by Apple's Scott Forstall.

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iPhone 3.0 - Features in detail

Push, cut and paste, integrated maps, and enhanced calendar synch could all help to make iPhone users more productive at work. But administrators and enterprise application developers were hoping for a couple more capabilities that did not appear, namely background processing and device management tools.

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