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The Enterprise Still Loves IE 6

According to Forrester Research, 60 percent of companies use Internet Explorer 6 as their default browser. Meanwhile, your IT department spends a decent amount of time erecting barriers to prevent browser upgrades. Bottom line: companies need a browser policy, or they will risk productivity losses.

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DMXzone Lightbox Coming Soon, Check Out the Cool Demo!

The first ever Canvas based Lightbox control! With Canvas the design of your lightbox is fully drawn! No more time consuming CSS tweaking and image editing to make your designs look good! Enjoy your great Lighbox designed and drawn specially for you.

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Opera's 15th Anniversary

Fifteen years ago, two computer scientists sat at their desks in a research lab in what is today Telenor, Norway’s telecommunications incumbent, itching to begin a new project. They were going to build their own Web browser. Those first keystrokes would become Opera, the browser that has set — and continues to set — the standard for browser innovation.

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Mozilla Releases Firefox 3.5 beta

Mozilla released beta 3.5 of Firefox that includes better performance, several new Web programming features, and a private browsing mode. Mozilla switched to the version 3.5 name after concluding the changes were more significant than it envisioned earlier. Mozilla has said earlier the fourth beta will the last, with more polished release candidates expected before the final version of Firefox 3.5 is released.

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VMware Unveils its Cloud OS

VMware announced its cloud operating system-dubbed vSphere 4-with plans for general availability in the second quarter. VMware is attempting to bridge virtualized data centers-now known as "private clouds"-and growing cloud computing services from the likes of Amazon.com and others.

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Ubuntu 9.04 Release Candidate Arrives

The new version - 9.04, codenamed Jaunty Jackalope - includes some useful improvements and delivers higher reliability than the last few Ubuntu releases. Ubuntu 9.04 will ship with GNOME 2.26, which introduces UPnP support for totem and MAPI support for the Evolution e-mail client. It also includes version 2.6.28 of the Linux kernel, in which the new Ext4 filesystem is designated as stable.

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10 Cool Things We’ll be Able to do Once IE6 is Dead

James Edwards has a fun little list that dares to dream about life after IE 6. There is a list of 10 things that we can look forward to in that sunny time.

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Pirate Bay Says Appeal is Filed

On Friday, the court convicted Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, and Carl Lundström of charges related to copyright infringement and sentenced each to a year in jail and fined the group the equivalent of $3.6 million.

Days after four defendants in the high-profile Pirate Bay case were found guilty of violating copyright law, the Web site implored fans to stay calm, not to send donations, and to stay united.

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Bluetooth 3.0 Ready to be Launched

Bluetooth 3.0 will bring with it dramatically-improved file transfer speeds by using 802.11 technology that will enable the transfer of much larger files. Right on schedule, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group is preparing to launch the Bluetooth 3.0 specification on April 21.

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iCloud Virtual Desktop Public-beta Launched

Swedish startup Xcerion launched the public beta-test of iCloud, a virtual desktop aimed at consumers and mobile workers, which it hopes to develop into an application marketplace comparable to Apple's App Store.

iCloud offers a web-based desktop available from any internet-connected PC and offering a set of productivity, developer, media and communications applications.

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