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Reference Guide to HTML 5

According to W3C News Archive, XHTML 2 working group is expected to stop work end of 2009 and W3C is planning to increase resources on HTML 5 instead.

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Mobile Apps Changing the Future of Air Travel

It is a vision that airline passengers could see become reality within the next 12 to 18 months, according to Jim Peters, chief technology officer at airline IT supplier Sita. One of the key areas, which will be the secret sauce, is making use of context.

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Open Web Tools Directory

There are an immense number of tools that have been created to help web developers. Unfortunately, you might never know this; there’s no central index of these tools. It turns out that keeping up with all the development in this space is really difficult–even for folks like us who have been tracking it every day for years.

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CSS Form Designer to be Released Next Week!

This week our developers offer you a sneak preview of the soon to be released CSS Form Designer. Don't miss out the cool video to find out how easy you can design amazing CSS forms just with Drag & Drop.

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PHP 5.3 Released

The PHP development team has released PHP 5.3.0. This new release has some major improvements and includes a large number of new features.

Some of the key new features include: namespaces, late static binding, closures, optional garbage collection for cyclic references and much more.

For users upgrading from PHP 5.2 there is a migration guide available, detailing the changes between those releases and PHP 5.3.

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Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Released

After four betas and three release candidates Mozilla finally released the final release of Firefox 3.5. With this they kept their promise to release the new browser in June.
The new browser counts more than five thousand small and big changes. Some of the new features include local storage for offline-usage, private browsing mode and build-in support for opensource codecs. Also the JavaScript speed is significant increased in this new release.
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Eclipse Galileo Released

The Eclipse Foundation announced the release of Eclipse Galileo, the simultaneous release of 33 projects, including the venerable Eclipse JDT. For component developers, the Galileo release also adds the latest OSGi Declarative Services to the standard Equinox runtime, which is included in the RCP client.

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First Beta of YUI 3.0 Released

This release takes YUI 3 out of its preview phase and brings its APIs to a near-final state. For those intending to implement YUI 3, the 3.0.0 beta 1 release is a good place to begin the transition. If you’ve been working with the latest preview release, George Puckett has provided a comprehensive 3.0.0 beta 1 changelog to guide you. We look forward to hearing your feedback as you begin working with 3.0.0 beta 1, and we’ll work hard to address that feedback as we prepare for a GA release in the coming months.

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Double the YouTube: Now you can upload 2GB videos

Fans of YouTube should be happy, since they have just doubled the size of uploads for users from 1GB to 2GB.  The change counts for regular account holders, no fancy account status needed.  According to the company, the increase is to compensate for users’ HD uploads.

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CSS Form Designer to be Released Soon!

A new era has begun in CSS Forms - design your forms fully visual in Dreamweaver with Drag & Drop! Just drag your regular form element, fieldset or predefined element template from the designer toolbar and drop it on your form! Drag up or down the elements automatically in their groups for fully arrange your form. Finally choose one of the rich CSS Styles that we supply and your beautiful CSS based form is ready!

*CSS Form Designer has been released! You can download it for free here!

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