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DMXzone Gallery Competition

This week, DMXzone starts a "Gallery Demo" competition that will end on August 26th. All you need to do is sending us a Gallery Demo that has been created with one or more of our Rich Media extensions (such as 3D Photo Wall, DMXzone Lightbox, 3D ImageFlow, CSS Image Gallery etc.).

* Make sure that you use images made by you or non-copyrighted ones. 

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Google's "Caffeine" vs. Microsoft's Bing

Just a couple of months after Microsoft launched Bing, Google announced it is tweaking its own search infrastructure. Google officials said that the company is seeking help testing a new-and-improved search system, codenamed “Caffeine” — complete with changes to its indexing, ranking and crawling mechanisms.

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First Firefox 3.6 Alpha Version

Mozilla has released the first alpha version of Firefox 3.6, a browser with speed improvements and new features the organization hopes to finalize faster than its predecessor.

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Sony open sources digital effects software

While Imageworks has released other open-source software in the past, the release of five tools at once brings its involvement in open source to a new level, the company said on Monday, in an announcement marking the beginning of the Siggraph computer graphics trade show in New Orleans.

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A Brief History of USB 3.0

USB 3.0 is coming, and the hour approaches when the computer and electronics industries can sink their collective teeth into a new, faster USB interface for the first time in ten years. USB 2.0, with 480Mbps High speed, launched in April 2000, and USB 3.0, with 4.8Gbps Super Speed, will launch in the first consumer devices in early 2010.

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Great Improvements on DMXzone!

After enough sun tanning and sea breeze DMXzoneTeam is coming back with great improvements on the website. As you may have already noticed we've added some great new features such as cooler sidebar, better overview of the bundles and extensions, and a lightbox preview of the videos/demos. Check out the screenshots below to see how they look like now!

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Microsoft in Partnership with Yahoo

Microsoft and Yahoo announced a partnership that will essentially stick Microsoft's recently relaunched search engine Bing in place of Yahoo search and Yahoo's ad sales in place of Microsoft's.

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DMXzone Folder View 2.0 Released!

DMXzone Developers team is proud to share the second version of the so popular Folder View extension. It's packed with great new features such as tree view of javascript objects (DOM or JSON), ability to list folders from the site filesystem (PHP/ASP servers) and more...

Check out the product page for more details, videos and demos! 

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Firefox 4.0 Windows Theme Mockups

Design ideas show Firefox 4.0 with a Chrome lookMozilla showed some mockups for the nearer-term Firefox 3.7 that eliminated the browser's title bar, replacing it with two drop-down menu buttons on the right, just like Chrome has had since its September 2008 debut. The Firefox 4.0 mockups show two options, one similar to the 3.7 ideas, and the other taking another step in the Chrome direction.

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Europeans to Pick Browser for XP and Vista

European antitrust officials shared the fact that Microsoft was offering to provide Windows users a choice of browser via the so-called “ballot screen” option as part of its settlement talks with the European Commission. Microsoft originally was dead-set against the ballot screen option; officials said the company would rather ship Windows 7 with no browser included at all than to ship one with a ballot screen.

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