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MobileMe gets slightly more compatible with Mobile Safari

MobileMe has been updated to offer at least some functionality when accessing the me.com  page from Mobile Safari. It doesn't yet offer full access to MobileMe's features via the browser, but it does allow access to the "Find My iPhone" feature from an iPhone or iPod touch.

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PHP and Perl crashing the enterprise party

The enterprise has long favored Java and .Net, but PHP and other dynamic programming languages have left their infancies and are rapidly closing the gap on their more stodgy competitors.

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DMXzone "Hall of Fame"

Since we have launched the Live Support we've received many comments about our work. We're really flattered and decided to make our "Hall of Fame" where we can share the appreciation of you amazing words and ratings. Of course, we couldn't make it without your help!

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Mozilla Dropping 10.4 Support with Next Firefox Release

The next major release of Firefox will not be compatible with Macs running Mac OS X 10.4, also known as Tiger. This comes from a mozilla.dev.planing discussion on Google Groups started by Josh Aas, a Mozilla-employed developer working on the project. The change will go into effect later this year when the browser's Gecko rendering engine makes the jump from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3.

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WordPress Plugin Development Winners!

A week ago we started a competition to give 5 copies of WordPress Plugin Development: Beginner's guide  book away! Today, after pointing out names in the dark, we have our lucky winners: Dan Trudeau, Arthus Woods, Kim Christensen, Michael Ryle and Peter Stevenson. Everyone will be notified via email, so you can get your books as quick as possible.

Congratulations and stay tuned for more Mini-reviews and free books in the next weeks! Read More

Petition Urges British Government to Dump IE6

An online petition calling for British government agencies to drop Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) has been launched on the official site of Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

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Qrobe.it Mixes Google and Bing in Single Interface

About two weeks ago, a startup based in Alexandria, Minnesota by the name of Striquent quietly launched a new website that combines results from major search engines. "The idea for qrobe.it was born out of a discussion on if the search experience can be improved upon or as the saying goes 'one can't improve what is already perfect,'" Nisha Boban, QA Analyst at Striquent.


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Google Chrome Supports Greasemonkey

In a blog post, Aaron Boodman, the developer of the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox, announced that Chrome version 4 and later will support most of the JavaScript-coded Greasemonkey scripts without any additional tweaking necessary.

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Finally, Here comes the iPad.

There were rumors for months about Apple's new masterpiece and finally, it was introduced - the iPad, a device for browsing the web, reading and sending email, enjoying photos, watching videos, playing games, reading e-books, and much more. Its high-resolution Multi-Touch display lets you interact with content — including 12 innovative new apps designed especially for iPad and almost all of the 140,000 apps available on the App Store.

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Mini-review & Competition of WordPress Plugin Development: Beginner's Guide

We've got a brand new mini-review and competition of Vladimir Prelovac's new book - WordPress Plugin Development: Beginner's Guide. Our friends from Packt Publishing are giving away 5 books!

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