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HTML5 Slideshow to be Released Next Week!

A week before the official release for HTML5 Slideshow, we've created an amazing demo to show you some of the features packed in the extension. In today's demo you can use the navigation buttons to control the slideshow, all this created without any Flash!

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Firefox 4.0 beta 1 Out

Firefox 4 Beta (version 1) considered to be stable and safe to use for daily web browsing, though the features and content may change before the final product release. At this time many Add-ons may not yet have been tested by their authors to ensure that they are compatible with this release.

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Samsung and LG to launch Android-based Tablets

LG says that it plans to have a product ready to ship in the fourth quarter of this year, according to a Dow Jones Newswires report. Meanwhile, Samsung said that will launch a tablet with Galaxy branding in the third quarter.

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Amazon Kindle for Android Released

Yesterday, Amazon released its highly anticipated Kindle e-book reader software for Android devices, which gives Google’s smartphone and MID operating system immediate legitimacy as an e-Reading platform. The Kindle for Android software, once downloaded from the Android Market, has a very similar look and feel to the iPad/iPhone version, with a cool blue home screen.

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HTML5 speed test finds IE9, Firefox 3.7 lead the pack in Windows, Chrome a distant last

Curious to see how the latest preview release of Internet Explorer 9 stacks up against the competition when it comes to HTML5 performance in Windows? So was Download Squad, and it's now revealed its findings in some vivid, if not entirely scientific tests. The end result is that Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 3.7 were well ahead of the pack in the 1,000-fish stress test (with Firefox about 5 or 10 percent ahead of IE), while Opera was stuck somewhere in the middle, and Chrome placed a distant last (and maxed out the CPU) -- all with hardware acceleration enabled, of course, although that had to be done via command line switches in the case of Chrome. Head on past the break to check out the four-way showdown for yourself, as well as an earlier test with just IE9 and Chrome.

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IE9 supports Canvas…. hardware accelerated!

Huge news. My canvas crusade is done. IE9 is supporting canvas, and it is hardware accelerated, in the third preview release! it is also fully Hardware Accelerated so this means great speed for you! IE9 is finally catching up with the other major browsers.

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DMXzone Extensions Go CS5 and Windows 7 Compatible!

With the official release of Dreamweaver CS5, we have updated all our extensions to be fully compatible with it! Also we have done some great improvements for the best user experience!

To take advantage of all this power - just download again the extensions you have from DMXzone and install them again. Note that the versions of the extensions haven't changed but you still need to download and install them again for full usage in Dreamweaver CS5.

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High Availability MySQL Cookbook Winners!

A week ago we started a competition to give 5 copies of High Availability MySQL Cookbook away! Today, after pointing out names in the dark, we have our lucky winners: Brian Uckert, Federico Bettero, Toni Cruces, Sidney Evans and Terry Hill. Everyone will be notified via email, so you can get your books as quick as possible.

Congratulations and stay tuned for more Mini-reviews and free books in the next weeks! Read More

Nancy Gill is Back with us at DMXzone

DMXzone team is proud to announce that Nancy Gill is back on board, so stay tuned for her articles about HTML5 and Flash Catalyst!

Nancy: Web Design has been a changing medium over the 14 years I have been working in it, but there has rarely been a time when technology was moving so fast and furiously as now.  Terms like HTML5 and CSS3 and AJAX are now familiar but take a fair amount of study to learn.  Animation and effects are all the rage with CSS3, but browser support is skanty and in some cases, nonexistent of these technologies.  That's why I love the Advanced CSS Animator.

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Advanced CSS Animator Countdown

Three days before the official release for Advanced CSS Animator, the DMXzone team has 2 new demos to catch your eye! Among the impressive features packed in the extension we've decided to show another showcase of Side Out Menu and Drop In animation.

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