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Picasa Gets Unlimited Storage

With the launch of Google Plus (Google+), there may be some confusion as to how the photos uploaded to the social network, Google+ integrate with Google's online photo-sharing service, Picasa, especially in terms of storage limits. The answer provides some great news for Google+ users - nearly everything you upload to Google+ won't count towards your storage limits on Picasa, with the only exception being videos longer than 15 minutes.

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Opera 11.50 Is Alive

Opera has released the final version of its popular alternative web browser for Windows, Mac and Linux, Opera 11.50. Codenamed "Swordfish", this latest release actually debuted as Release Candidate 5, but was quickly updated to become a final release.

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Opera Next Clears Clutter from the Browser UI

The pace of browser development is quickening, with Firefox now being on a quarterly schedule. Software companies are now also much willing to release beta projects on an eager public, and we have become used to seeing endless Firefox updates pushed out. Opera is just as keen to give its users a preview of what to expect in future versions of the software and this is something that is highlighted by Opera 'Next' v11.50, also known as project Featherweight.

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Google Released Chrome-based Web Security Scrutinizer

Google released an open-source tool called DOM Snitch that tries to flag Web site software that would be dangerous to run in a browser. The software is an experimental Chrome extension that examines how Web site code executes to see if commands could lead to cross-site scripting or other attacks used to deliver malware to computers via a Web browser.

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Mozilla Delivers Firefox 5.0

Mozilla released a new version of Mozilla Firefox for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. The new version of Firefox comes on the heels of the wildly successful release of Firefox 4, which had more than 200 million downloads on Windows, Mac and Linux and millions of downloads in the Android Market.

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Firefox 5 Gets Faster Connections

Firefox 5 is a week away from being released as a final version. The browser is expected to be released as final on June 21. When you look at the changelog you will notice quite a few under the hood improvements that have not been talked about yet. HTTP Transactions sorted by CWND is one of those features. Most users probably wouldn’t associate a faster browser with that feature in particular, but the explanation on the Bugzilla site might change that.

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The Next Step in Embedded Youtube Videos

YouTube’s video preview images represent to many the ultimate deciding factor as to whether or not to watch a video. If a preview image looks interesting, it can mean the difference between someone pressing the play button. Videos’ preview images can appear lower in quality, and sometimes you don't want a logo in your player. YouTube is rolling out new features for both situations: HD preview images and the option to remove the logo from your player.

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Get Google Chrome 12 now!

Google has updated its popular open-source browser Chrome to version 12, introducing a number of notable features. Of most importance is a new extension to the Safe Browsing feature, which now screens downloaded files for known malware in addition to warning against potentially malicious or phishing websites.

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IPv6 Day

The computing industry has begun a major 24-hour test to work the kinks out of IPv6, a disruptive but necessary overhaul of the Internet's inner workings. Starting at midnight, dozens of companies lit up servers, Web sites, and network infrastructure that communicate using Internet Protocol version 6. The test, called World IPv6 Day, provides a bit of deadline, albeit one that's more artificial and less pressing than the Y2K bug's January 1, 2000, zero hour.

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Introducing Schema.org

Schema.org, a new initiative from Google, Bing and Yahoo! to create and support a common vocabulary for structured data markup on web pages. With schema.org, site owners and developers can learn about structured data and improve how their sites appear in major search engines. The site aims to be a one stop resource for webmasters looking to add markup to their pages.

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