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Native Client Turns Chrome into High-end Gaming Platform

Google demonstrated their new technology that secures the Web and makes browsers more powerful at the company's headquarters south of San Francisco. The company showed games known for their processor-intensive graphics running in the new version of the Chrome browser but it will also support photo editing, 3D modeling and video training software applications.

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Report Finds Firefox Security Lacking

The security firm Accuvant reported the results from a recent study regarding the security features of the top three web browsers. The report says that Mozilla’s Firefox is missing many modern security safeguards while Internet Explorer was rated nearly as secure as Google Chrome.

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Is Firefox Toast?

With its first appearance Firefox 1.0 was far better and more secure than the other browsers existing at this time. But today it seems that its performance is not that good and Google Chrome already is the second most popular browser according to StatCounter. Its advantage is not only the great speed but also its integration with Google's applications.
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New Opera Tweaks Threads, Mail Client

The new version of Opera was released for Windows, Mac and Linux. Opera 11.6 was updated with some interface changes including a more universal default skin, better HTML5 support, and faster handling of secure sites thanks to the new HTML5 algorithm for parsing code and other improvements of the browser.

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Chrome App for Facebook Permissions

OOptOut is a new Google Chrome extension which allows you to set the Facebook permissions necessary for installing any specific Facebook application. It enables users to restrict the access to their personal data that the applications require. The new extension is not yet available on Google’s Chrome Web Store.

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Linux Mint 12 was Released

Linux Mint 12 which is based on Ubuntu 11.10 is already available for download. It includes the new Mint Gnome Shell Extensions desktop featuring, the Duck Duck Go default search engine which does not collect or share any personal information and a  fork of Gnome 2 that’s compatible with Gnome 3.

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Sandia Labs Joins SOPA Opponents

The Sandia National Laboratories, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy, joined the group of the SOPA opponents. Their comment was that SOPA, which aim is to make allegedly copyright-infringing Web sites disappear from the Internet, will negatively impact the US cybersecurity and is unlikely to be effective.

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Evernote Launches Soothing Article Reader

The Evernote is launching a new browser plug-in, Clearly, that shows you a clean, story-only view of what you're reading in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Apple. The Reader view is available even while you're reading an article on a web site.

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Windows 8 Tablet Due in June

The head of Nokia in France, Paul Amsellem said in an interview for a French newspaper that the company will introduce a Windows 8 tablet in June 2012. Nokia Chief Executive Stephen Elop didn't confirm any plans for tablets but pointed in the Financial Times the similarities in user interface between Nokia Lumia line of Windows Phones and the upcoming Windows 8 operating system.

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Firefox 8 Is Here

Mozilla officially released the update to Firefox for Windows, Mac, Linux and Firefox for Android. In the new version of the browser for Windows, Mac and Linux Twitter is included as a search option in Firefox. You can also load tabs on demand, that will allow you to restore windows with many tabs much faster.

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