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We just moved!

Dear Visitors, we just moved to our new dedicated server at Maximum ASP! So now we have a great place and power to run our Zones! We will tried to move without any downtime, but in case you notice some troubles - we apologise!

So we left ChicagoWebs and move to Maximum ASP. Of course we thank ChicagoWebs for all the support we received from them and welcome our new provider Maximum ASP

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InterAkt Sells Products at UDzone

InterAkt Online and UDzone have agreed to sell InterAkt's latest additions to their UltraDev PHP Extensions Product Range: ImpAkt and NeXTensio. Both extensions are targeted to professional php web developers and are great additions to UltraDev regarding dynamic site creation and maintenance for php websites. Read more.

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Matthew Davis publishes articles at our Zones

Matthew David - some of his most recent publications include content for Flash 5 Magic and Inside Dreamweaver 4 - has published 3 very interesting articles at our Zones. In Slicing With FireWorks he guides you through the mysteries of one of the most famous FireWorks features. You'll learn more about SiteSpring in Gluing it all Together with Sitespring and by reading Getting the Information You Need you will learn how to create SQL using Dreamweaver UltraDev’s easy to use interface. So don't hesitate and check those articles!

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UDzone and Public Domain agreement

We are proud to announce our agreement with Public Domain to sell their PD Configuration Switcher at our site. The PD Configuration Switcher allows you to quickly switch between different configurations of Dreamweaver, UltraDev and Fireworks and is a must have for everyone who wants to be able to use their software with different configurations.

One of the goal of this agreement is to offer our visitors a central, well known and trusted place where they can shop for extensions without having to pay different developers at different sites or with different payment processes. Read more.

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Macromedia DevCon 2001 News

Today (October 22, 2001) Macromedia partially unveiled their ColdFusion Strategy at Macromedia DevCon 2001. Besides that they also made 2 announcements regarding JRun and how it will be supported by other companies like IBM and Intel. At last but not least Macromedia also announced that Intel will also bundle the jointly-developed, 3D-enhanced Shockwave Player with its Intel desktop motherboards.
View the complete list of DevCon 2001 News.

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Pure ASP Upload 2

The famous Pure ASP Upload Extension has now even got better! Version 2 has lots of new features like optional uploads, advanced filename handling, upload size limit settings, upload progress bars, options to save image dimensions into your database, uploads to physical paths and much much more. All this has been put into one extension together with a new user interface.

A real must for everyone who wants to upload files to the server without having to install any components or doing lots of handcoding. Read more.

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UDzone interviews InterAKT

Today InterAkt Online released PHAkt, a wonderful extension for Dreamweaver UltraDev that allows web developers to make dynamic websites using PHP. This is the first third party developed Server Model for Dreamweaver UltraDev and it is available for free. Waldo interviewed Alexandru Costin for UDzone. Alexandru is one of the driving forces behind PHAkt together with Bogdan Ripa.
Read the interview.

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New Zones!

UDzone.com is proud to announce that we have launched 3 new zones:

www.DWzone.net  -  The DreamWeaver Zone!
www.FWzone.net  -  The FireWorks Zone!
www.FLzone.net  -  The FLash Zone!

All new zones are based on the successful concept used at UDzone. This concept enables you to read lots of articles, download extensions, post feedback and questions and of course also upload your own tutorials or extensions.

When you register at one Zone you gain access to all Zones, so UDzone members don't need to register anymore. UDzone is now also available at www.UDzone.net.

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We want YOU!

Here you are visiting this Zone, searching for the all the great stuff! Yes - it is all here! You can help us improve and enrich this Zone too!
We need YOU! You can help us with:
  • Writing tutorials, site guides or just review our tutorials - be an editor!
  • Post your own files or just be a test user - always get the latest stuff first!

Otherwise just be an active user - post your own news, polls, questions - every registered user can do that - registration is always free!

Help us improve this Zone! Read More

Improvements on Zones

Today we have put some new features online:

  • There are new buttons on the overview pages for better user experience.
  • Now it's also easier to download files from the site: you don't have to click through to the detail pages anymore to download. Nor do you have the reload entire pages anymore; downloads just popup in a small new window.
  • When posting new content to this site you can specify in more detail whether the tutorial is for Ultradev or both Dreamweaver and Ultradev. This will make it easier for us to organize the content.

The Zones team is trying to improve the site every day. We collect lots of feedback from users and try to turn it into new features on the Zones. We'll go on improving the sites, so keep sending your feedback to us.

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