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Flash MX 2004 Forms

With the release of Flash MX 2004 there are a large number of additional UI (user interface) components available. Not only are there more components available, but they can now easily interact with one another.

In this tutorial we will start by taking a look at the new components that are available and how to use them. Most of the new form components are available in Flash MX 2004 Professional only, and you will therefore need to have access to the trial version of Flash MX 2004 Professional to try out the examples.

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Macromedia listening to DMXzone Members!

We expected comments in our MX 2004 forum to be mixed; any new software has those who love it and those who hate it. But one theme that came up disturbingly often was that Macromedia doesn't talk to its customers.

In order to get some action for the community of members that we serve, DMXzone invited the Dreamweaver MX 2004 Product Manager, Jennifer Taylor, to answer DMXzone members' criticisms and complaints about DW MX 2004. This is exclusive to DMXzone registered users.

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Smart Mailer ASP Released!

A few people have asked us how we send you our newsletters - is it Lyris at $7000 or Listserv at $4000? Neither: it's our Smart Mailer extension!

You can offer your clients the ability to send HTML mails based on a template (either on your machine or at a URL), each personalised with the recipient's name. You can add attachments to everyone, or a group of people, there's progress bars while you're sending them - all this in an external ASP class file, so just a couple of lines on your page. Groovy!

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Photoshop Colour Management

Ever wonder why when you send someone an image they phone you up and say "But I didn't want it in pink". To which you say "Err, yes but I sent it as red". A big bugbear for designers is getting things to display the same on different people's computers. An even BIGGER bugbear is understanding the fairy hectic technology involved in managing colour. This article takes you through all the concepts with the use of clever smoke and mirrors and a safety net.

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File Uploading with PHP

In this article we look at how to upload files using PHP. This technique can be extremely useful, and is used on many sites for example, in content management systems or forums which allow the user to upload an image to represent them.

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Dreamweaver MX 2004 PHP Server Behaviors

In today's tutorial we will be taking a look at creating a log in system using PHP Server Behaviors. Our system will provide an admin area for creating/editing and deleting users from the system, as well as the log in system itself. We'll be working with the newly released Dreamweaver MX 2004 for this article, as this will give us the opportunity to work with the new user authentication Server Behaviors that have been introduced with MX 2004.

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Remake all your websites?

Since Eolas won $521million against Microsoft last month, Microsoft, Macromedia and the W3C have been in conclave on how to work around the patent dispute. Eolas seem to own the patent on a browser's ability to automatically launch and display multimedia programs with plug-ins - eg, click and see a Flash movie/ hear an MP3 / watch a quick-time video.


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Interview with Susan Morrow (free, no registration required)

Susan Morrow is Macromedia's Senior Director of Product Management, best known amongst Dreamweaver users as the person with the vision and leader of the development team for the DW4 to Dreamweaver MX upgrade.

We caught up with her during the very busy launch week for the MX 2004 family of products for an exclusive interview with DMXzone.com.

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The ASP.NET Cache Object

The Cache object is a large feature addition to ASP.NET and seems to have been hidden away in the documentation. Despite initially appearing daunting, there's no reason why anyone can't use it. This is a tutorial on how to add and remove items from the Cache object both implicitly and explicitly, using the dependencies or timestamp expiration policies which mean that you can force the contents of the cache to be expired and then reload them if either a specific date/time is reached, the timestamp on a file changes, or if an item inside the cache itself changes.

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Studio MX 2004 Available for download

It is here. The latest version of Studio MX is now available for download. There's already quite a lot of controversy on the changes to Dreamweaver and Flash.

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