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Templates: Locking/Unlocking Code Outside HTML Tags

One of the more complex template functions to wrap the ol' noggin around is Dreamweaver MXs capability to lock markup above the opening HTML tag (<html>) or below the closing HTML tag (</html>): <!-- TemplateInfo codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="{value}" -->.

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CS vs MX: Adobe release new integrated suite

Today, Adobe announced their new "CS" bundle (Creative Suite). The standard version (estimated at $999, or $599 if upgrading from Photoshop) bundles Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS and InDesign CS. The pro edition ($1299 or $749 if upgrading) has GoLive CS and the Acrobat PDF authoring tool. Read More

Making A Flash MX 2004 Accordion Component

The accordion component can be built entirely by using the Component Inspector, and is new in Flash MX 2004 Professional. It contains a number of children movie clips, only one of which is displayed at a time.  To navigate between each of these child movie clips the accordion component provides a header button for that child that the user clicks to view the child.   The children can contain any information that you can have in a Flash movie clip – they can display text, images, movies of sections of a form that the user needs to fill out.

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Macromedia release tech notes for MX 2004 bugs

Screen flicker (=accelelerate your hardware!), loss of site definitions (=back them up!), Slow performance on Macintosh OS X (=update your machine), Floating panel icons apear in Windows taskbar (=can't help, sorry), Trial version times out after installation (= try deactivating virus scans for a month. Good one!)

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Javascript: email address and password validation

Our goal is to prepare a validation library that is reusable and extensible. We don't want to have to change the validation function every time we start a new project, nor do we want to have to write everything over again. We want a framework for our validation that is easy to use.

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Creating an Accessible Layout

If you are in the position of starting work on a new web site, and you wish to ensure that the site is accessible to all users and devices then you should consider accessibility right from the planning stage. If considering accessibility is just another part of your working processes - like ensuring the site looks good on all screen resolutions and optimizing graphics for fast download speeds - then you will soon find that it adds very little time onto development time for a web site and these techniques will become second nature to you anyway.

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List-O-Rama! Free Extension

DMXzone is delighted to unveil our free CSS navigation list extension, inspired by Ian Lloyd's listomatic script on Accessify.com.

Here's the screenshots and download.

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ASP.NET Forms Authentication

ASP.NET has powerful server-side user authentication built into it that automatically encrypts authentication cookies and information and can be used to allow users or throw them out of a system accoding to security levels set by the site owner.

This tutorial is suitable for intermediate ASP.NET developers.

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Microsoft to close European chatrooms

As cases of child abuse rocket, the Microsoft Network, MSN, is to close its chatrooms in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and most of Asia from 14 October. American chatrooms will be accessible by credit-card subscription only.

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CSS Design: The Ubiquitous Three Column Layout

Remove all the frustration that table-based column layouts cause such as deep nests and the need to use spacer GIFs. You'll reduce page weight, increase portability, improve accessibility, and maximize your workflow by using this pure 3 column CSS layout design. Along the way, you'll learn a bit about descendant selectors, you'll order DIVs to make the document more readable in those browsers with partial or no CSS support, and tap into list styles to create an elegant navigation scheme.

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