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ASP.NET Data Binding and Alternate-coloured rows

Data binding is one area where ASP.NET really improves in leaps and bounds over what classic ASP offers. The power is there - but the syntax is murky and confusing. This tutorial serves as an ideal introduction to the novice for data binding and what templates are used for in ASP.NET., and cuts through Microsoft's tricky doucmentation to bring the power of ASP.NET databinding and template to the beginner.

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Switchin' Styles!

Ever wondered how some sites just totally change their look at the touch of a button? Add a couple of different CSS layouts, a dash of JavaScript and a couple of buttons and you let your users choose between different predefined colour schemes, layouts and background images.

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Macromedia prepares developers for IE changes

Macromedia Active Content Developer Center

This center is your source for information, tools, and resources related to modifications to Internet Explorer that Microsoft has recently announced. These changes affect the use of active content like Flash, Shockwave, and Authorware in web pages.

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Flash MX 2004 Data Components

Flash MX 2004 is aimed at providing developers with an easy and intuitive way of developing rich internet applications. To provide this level of sophistication to developers, Macromedia have provided developers with new tools in Flash MX 2004 Professional, such as a forms based paradigm for developing applications, better support for video and advanced data access components.

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Verisign removes "SiteFinder"

We reported in our newsletter a week ago that verisign were routeing all browser requests for non-existent .com and .net domain names to their pay-to-list "search engine" that broke spam filters etc. Fortunately, they've now been told to remove it by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). A victory for common sense. Read More

Dynamic "Hide and Show" Content using the DOM

One of the great benefits the DOM and CSS has brought developers is flexibility. In today's tutorial, we use this behavior to our advantage is to tie more functionality to a page than is initially visible. That hidden content can then react to the user based on their actions, for example, make a 'help' box dynamically appear if the user presses a button, without leaving the page or popping up a new window.

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New Windows Trojan Alert (3 Oct)

A Trojan that exploits an Internet Explorer vulnerability is capable of allowing attackers to hijack browser behaviour, anti-virus firms warn. More at The Register. Read More

Creating a Simple Email Form in PHP

You want your site's visitors to be able to contact you (to offer you work, marriage, congratulations on your genius etc) but, as soon as you put your email address on the site, you're inundated with spam and Nigerian gentlemen offering you $5 million.

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Free Accessibiliy kit, speech synthesiser for Linux

Allan Kent, DMXzone Flash and PHP tutorial author, found Skipper at Sourceforge (the place to be if you're into OpenSource stuff, and not only for Linux - much of it has Windows versions too).

Skipper allows you to build very cheap sensors, has a program to translate body movements picked up by those sensors into controls for programs, provides word predictors, dictionaries etc, and interacts with screenreaders. And it's free!

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Quick Fixes in Photo retouching

So the client has told you that they need to upload an image of the head honcho to the website - shock horror, he's so ugly that people think he's me. Now what? There are many scenarios that we might find ourselves in where photo retouching is useful or advisable. Usually however this takes hours. In this tutorial, we use a relatively quick method of photo retouching to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

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