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Building ASP.NET HTTP Handlers

In this tutorial, Chris Ullman shows you how to build your own HTTP handlers using ASP.NET. HTTP handlers can let you intervene and handle a request for a particular type of page, and make it possible to catch URLs that are submitted by a user and rewrite them in a format required by the web site, to disguise long, cumbersome URLs or to process filetypes not gererally dealt with by the server - for example, custom handling of new XML types.

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This email will self-destruct in 5 seconds...

The BBC reports that Microsoft Office 2003 has a new feature, the lemming email, which can be set by the sender to delete itself after a specified time period - and which can be prevented from being forwarded or even printed. A free Office Viewer will be available for those who don't run Office but receive a lemming mail.

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Design Time Style Sheets for Contribute or Dreamweaver

This project teaches you how to link style sheets to templates, how to manipulate these style sheets using a Template Optional Region (non-editable) and its associated Template parameter.

This in-depth 14 page tutorial has a set of finished files that you can preview if you get stuck with the instructions. The finished template is in the Templates folder and named: tut3-dtcss-finished.dwt, its dependant file (instance or child) is in the root folder and named: index-finished.htm. Feel free to view these files at your leisure.

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JavaScript with Style: Highlighting Rows

JavaScript's obvious uses are user interaction behaviors. But did you know you can use JavaScript, CSS and the DOM to design engaging and user friendly interfaces as well? Using a simple but effective script and some CSS, take a look at how you can enhance a simple poll (or any selection based application) with some dynamic highlighting and text effects.

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Creating A Simple Calendar in PHP

In this tutorial, we look at creating calendars in PHP. In this first of 2 tutorials, we build a simple, but working calendar for display purposes, looking at the techniques involved. In the second part were'll going to build a more advanced calendar that can display events for each day and has customised styling.

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Optimising your computer for Photoshop

Great: So you've gotten that 200 Meg file open and you're blazing away with the Liquify tool. No fear. Photoshop grinds to a halt. It's never a pretty sight when this happens. The screen doesn't redraw properly; your mp3 starts to sound like fire-crackers at Chinese New Year and your operating system starts displaying snide remarks about your system resources.

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Database design and optimisation made easy

The tutorial series will look at the different methods of retrieving data, always aware that this is the Web and that speed is of the essence, how to monitor performance of your database and tune it for maximum speed. In enterprise-level sites, these tasks are often performed by highly trained, specialist DBAs (database administrators); on smaller sites, it's often the developer who needs to wear this extra hat. With his four years' experience, Rob explains complex concepts and procedures, simply and clearly, to give today's Dreamweaver Professional a heads up in building and maintaining fast, secure data-driven sites.

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Creating menus in Flash MX 2004

In today’s article we take you through the gentle art of creating popup menus.  The menu component that we cover is also an integral part of the menubar component in Flash, so getting to grips with the content of this article is your first step in building application style menu bars just like you see across the top of your browser.  We’ll not only look at how you can build static menus for your common tasks, but how to build the menu dynamically from an XML document.

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Alternate Stylesheets for Accessibility

Not all visitors to your site with visual impairments require screen readers etc - often, the ability to increase font size or switch to a high-contrast colour-scheme so that they can read more clearly is what's needed to make your site a must-visit instead of a source of frustration. Rachel shows you how to make accessible alternate style sheets, and how to offer a button to allow visitors to switch between them.

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IE Changes Explained

This free article is a must-read for all web designers who use any kind of active content (Flash, QuickTime etc) on their sites. Bruce Lawson investigates the changes that you'll need to make as suggested by Microsoft, Macromedia, Real Networks and Apple if you plan to continue delivering seamless Flash or other plug-in content to the 90% of the world who use IE.

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