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Menus and ActionScript

In today's tutorial we take a look at how we can write ActionScript to handle the user clicking on menu items. We get more familiar with the switch() language construct and see how Event Listeners work in Flash. This tutorial builds on the previous weeks' tutorial on building menus with the MenuBar component, but if's not mandatory to have read that - the completed FLA from last week is available as a download for you to start working with.

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Creating Calendars in PHP - Part 2

In this tutorial we look at the advantages of removing HTML attributes from the PHP code and replacing them with CSS classes, so that the whole dynamically-produced calendar can be restyled just by changing the CSS styles and without having to change the code in any way.

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A Simple DHTML Flyout Menu

If there is one thing that computer users are familiar with it is the "drop down" or "fly out" menu system. This is also sometimes referred to as a "cascading menu" system. We see this particularly in operating system interfaces, and Microsoft applications such as the menu bar in Word. in this self-contained article, Tom shows you how to build a DHTML 2 level cascade (deep enough for most web menus) that you can use for your own sites.

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Dreamweaver and Flash for Linux

Codeweavers have announced support for Dreamweaver and Flash to Linux in  the CrossOver Office 2.1 product that already has support for Photoshop. CrossOver Office 2.1 is priced at $59.95 per user. Read More

Cleaning Up Images with the Clone Stamp Tool

Getting rid of simple blemishes in Photoshop isn't that hard - the odd blot of colour and you're done. But Photoshop has a very powerful a tool for removing spots and blemishes from photographs - called the clone stamp tool. This is an easy tool to use badly, but produces amazing results when used well. In today's tutorial, Gavin covers exactly how it works so that we can use it effectively, and gives tips from the professionals on using layers, setting the brush opacity and using the posterize tool to expose the gradiants that you're cloning.

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The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: CSS Features in Dreamweaver MX 2004

There's been a lot of criticism of DMX 2004 - a lot of it from us at DMXzone. But one area where it really excels is the enhanced CSS support - in fact, for many people, this is the main reason to buy the upgrade. Molly, DMXzone's resident CSS warrior, takes you through the interface changes in using CSS with DMX2004, to help you get quickly up to speed with what's good, bad and (erm..) aesthetically challenged.

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Building a Menu Bar with Flash MX 2004 Professional

This week's tutorial shows you how to use the MenuBar component to create application style menus for your Flash movies or sites. Allan builds up a menu very familiar to all - duplicating the DMXzone top navigation menu and adding extra functionality! We'll see how to create a basic menu, nest multiple levels of menus and use special menu items that function like radio buttons and check boxes. MenuBar components use instances of the Menu component that we covered in the last tutorial, so it is helpful to have read it, but it is not a prerequisite for being able to follow along in this weeks installment.

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Win a copy of The Dreamweaver Developer's Instant Troubleshooter

DMXzone premium tutors Rachel Andrew and Gareth Downes-Powell, together with new premium tutor Kevin Marshall, Drew McLellan and Nancy Gill, have got together with Apress to bring you The Dreamweaver Developer's Instant Troubleshooter.

Our founder, George Petrov writes, "This is the best book for professional Dreamweaver users who need to know how to integrate other web technologies, but don't need yet another tour around the menus. Real solutions to real problems that will save you lots of time ... not to mention hair!".

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Working with the Server's file system using ASP.NET

This tutorial explains how to carry out many common tasks relating to the accessing and manipulating a server file system, including listing files and directories, checking for the existence of a specific file or directory, reading and writing text to text files, copying, moving and deleting files and directories. You will also be shown how to obtain statistics of directories and files such as file size and modified dates. By the time you have worked through this article you will be more knowledgeable about file system access and manipulation using the powerful classes provided within the .NET Framework.

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Fahrner Image Replacement and Accessible Images

You may have heard of the Fahrner Image Replacement (FIR) technique, and know that it's a way of preserving the structure of the page, while replacing text with images for conventional browsers. Sounds complicated? Rachel gives step-by-step instruction on how to apply this brand-new technique, and how to make accessible sites that are also great-looking and packed with images, but still indexable by the search engines.

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