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Bug Fixes for Flash MX 2004 available

Macromedia have released a free bug fix updater for Flash MX 2004 which has "34 crash bugs found and fixed! ". The cynical might wonder why it was ever shipped with that many bugs; the pragmatic will install the patch and breathe a sigh of relief. Let's hope there's one for Dreamweaver MX soon...


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Centering Designs with CSS

One of the more frustrating aspects of CSS is centering our fixed designs effectively on the page. I know this because it’s a question people ask me quite often—and in fact the idea for this article came from a reader concerned about how to do just this.

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Run multiple versions of IE/ Win for testing

The big trouble with testing your web sites for backwards compatibility has always been that you can't install multiple versions of Internet Explorer on Windows. Until now! Joe Maddalone has discovered how to run different versions of IE on the same windows box in order to test. And here's downloadable Internet Explorer versions 3, 4 and 5.

Hooray for clever people!

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Flash Gordon and the attack of the PHP Extensions

The basic PHP language is feature-rich and powerful enough for you to handle most web applications without any hassles. And if you’re working with PHP mainly by using the built-in Server Behaviors that come with Dreamweaver and a little bit of hand coding, you are missing out on a whole host of functionality within PHP.

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It's not just Windows with security flaws..

An unknown intruder attempted to insert a Trojan horse program into the code of the next version of the Linux kernel, stored at a publicly accessible database, reports ZDNet. Meanwhile, security research firm @stake is warning Macintosh users about three security problems with the Mac OS X 10.2.8 and previous versions, reports Security Pipeline magazine. Read More

ASP.NET CodeBehind and Code Re-Use Using Inheritance

CodeBehind is when the HTML portion of the page that contains the HTML mark-up and the server side code are separated into two files. This allows designers to make modifications to the HTML without messing up the programmes server side code. It also allows programmers to edit their code without messing up the designers HTML. When the server side code is compiled into an assembly (DLL) each section of the page can even be published to the server separately.

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Testing Accessible Web Sites

With Dreamweaver, you can check your mark-up using the built-in validator, or you can use the validators on the W3C site, because markup and CSS is either right, or it isn't. A web site can be technically accessible (that is, all the alt text is there etc) but still very difficult to use, so you need to test it. In this tutorial, Rachel looks at testing your sites with the free Lynx text-only browser, or a trial edition of a screen-reader and what to look for.

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Microsoft offer bounty of $500K for arrest of virus writers

Bill "Sheriff" Gates has put a bounty on the writers of MSBlast and the Sobig viruses - half a million dollars for information leading to the arrest of those varmints, ZDNet reports Read More

Introduction to Database Design - Normalisation

In this tutorial, for beginners to database design, Rob Stuttaford writes on how to design databases that are normalised - the process of breaking data down into its most basic components. We do this to remove redundancy in data, and for a couple of reasons. Data is more flexible when in a granular format. Instead of using one big table, like with any spreadsheet program, we make distinctions between bits of data and then relate these bits to create meaningful information.

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Create a Parameter Error Checking Routine

The main reason for building template-driven sites is so that another user can amend the content themselves using Dreamweaver or Contribute without coming to you for small changes and advice - so you need to make the templates as self-explanatory as possible, to avoid having to field lots of queries on which template parameter takes which values, and ending up with just as many questions as you had before!

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