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Generating Dynamic Bar Charts with ASP.NET

This tutorial will walk you through how to generate a dynamic bar chart image for displaying numeric data to your users in an easy-to-digest format. During the course of this tutorial you will learn about the classes that reside within the .NET Frameworks System.Drawing namespace, and how these classes can be used to vastly improve the user experience of your pages.

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All CSS Photo Album layout

If you have moved to using CSS instead of tables for layout, then you will probably find that you come up against problems that had a simple solution when using tables, but it is difficult to work out exactly how to get round them using CSS. A photo album – or other listing of images, with a grid of photo thumbnails with captions is one of these issues.

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Database Design: Simple SQL Queries

In today's beginners' Database tutorial, we explore a sample database model for a relatively simple system. In it we  look at some good examples of the different types of relationships that tables can have in a database. We then look at a couple SQL queries based on this model.

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Book review of "Speed Up Your Site" by Andy King (free)

Did you know that, for the majority of users, the average site feels twice as slow as it did seven years ago? Neither did I, and it's just one of the eye-opening statistics quoted in " Speed Up your Site" by Andy King. In this review, Bruce Lawson goes through the book and examines its usefulness, and shares some of the many real-world tips from this ruthlessly practical book.

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Macromedia announces "Flex"

Macromedia will share on Monday more details of its plan to get Java developers working with its Flash format. Flex will let J2EE developers create Flash applications using standard, text-based development tools, rather than the complex design-focused tools Macromedia sells, reports Cnet.

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The Screensaver: Dynamic Flash from PHP

In today's tutorial we continue working with the Ming PHP extension.  Besides seeing in more detail how to work with the resource objects that the extension creates and works with, we learn some more about the PHP language and see how variable variables are used.

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New virus disguised as PayPal e-mail

Watch out for this latest virus!

This program is a variant of the Mimail virus, which has previously disguised itself as a security update from Microsoft. The latest version of the program is attached to an e-mail forged to look as though it came from PayPal, an online payment service bought by eBay last year. Running the program infects your computer and asks the PC user for credit card information, which the virus then sends to the attacker.

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DHTML: Spicing up Data Tables with Highlighting Rows

In the scripting and programming world we find many intimidating terms like "function literals." What in the world is a function literal? In this article, we'll show you how a function literal will allow you to attach some functionality to an event for every row of a data table. In the end, you'll have a nice looking table where the row that is moused over is highlighted for the user - all with alternating row colors and less code than you might think!

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Creating Calendars in PHP part 3

In this article in the series, we look at using the PHP mktime() command which allows us to create Unix timestamps for a particular date and time. By using the PHP explode() command we can split a time or date that's been entered by a user into its component parts for use with the mktime() function. We then look at the PHP strtotime() command which can perform date and time based addition and subtraction, so we can easily add or subtract a period of time to or from an existing date / time.

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Advanced Photoshop Layering

We hear a lot about layers and how they're so cool in Photoshop. This article will take you through all the different food groups; from fill layers right through to complex uses of adjustment layers. Sometimes you discover things in Photoshop that you never thought of using before - this article will plant a few of those seeds.

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