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Using the .NET Collection Classes

This tutorial which is the first part of a 2 part series will give an introduction to the Collection classes built-into the .NET Frameworks System.Collections namespace; these classes are used to hold collections of values or objects in memory and are commonly known as arrays. The three commonly used collection classes are ArrayList, Hashtable and SortedList, this tutorial will serve as an introduction to these classes.

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Creating a Print Stylesheet

In this tutorial, Rachel Andrew shows you how to use Design-Time Stylesheets in Dreamweaver to make a print stylesheet for your pages - even if they use tables for layouts!

Despite the promised utopia of a paperless office, you are likely to find that users will print out your web pages for reference, or to read away from the computer.  As we know, what looks good on the web does not necessarily look good in print and if you site uses many graphics, the user is going to be using up much unnecessary printer ink in getting their copy, as your navigation buttons aren’t of much interest once the application is printed!

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Database performance tuning and optimisation

Welcome to an introduction on database performance tuning and optimisation. My previous tutorial, SQL Made Simple, looked at a normalised database, and explored some of the queries we would use to make information from data in its normalised state. Today, we’re going to look at ways to shorten query processing time on this same database.

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Controlling Page Layout with Templates

Suppose you want to give a template driven sites content editor(s) (using Contribute or Dreamweaver MX+) a little layout control while retaining the lock facility of the main site images, the navigation system and the footer content. By providing the content editors with some layout control (through provision of several Optional regions), you build in the capacity to allow the content editor a little stylistic freedom for the content that they are responsible for.

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Thumbnail generation with PHP

In this tutorial we will be taking a look at how we can open existing images, check on their current dimensions and then intelligently do a proportionate resize on them., dynamically creating thumbnails on the fly to display in the browser.

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Photoshopping Seamless Tiles

In this tutorial we’re going to take a look at creating a pattern for a web background. Tiling on the web is a way of creating quite a rich and textured feel for your site.Often when cutting up a site you'll need to create an area that will repeat itself in a pattern, as a background or as decorative bars - but there’s nothing worse than an image that doesn't seam together properly.

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Creating Calendars in PHP – Part 4

In this last part of the series on creating a calendar application in PHP, we create an include file to hold the parameters required to connect to the MySQL database. Next, we create a page that displays all calendar events on a particular day, using the date which is passed as a URL parameter to find the correct records from the database.

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Testing for Validation and Cross-Browser Compatibility

Validation is a vital part of  a professional’s workflow, helping to ensure the best cross-browser compatibility and addressing quality assurance concerns. It's the process by which you take an existing web document and compare it to the Document Type Definition (DTD) that you are declaring. For example, if you create an XHTML document using Dreamweaver tools, Dreamweaver will add the proper structural components (especially if you’re working in Dreamweaver MX 2004) required to pass conformance. However, what you add to the document might not be within a given DTD.

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Creating Dynamic Images from PHP

In today’s tutorial, we will take a further look at the kinds of things that you can do with PHP using one of the PHP extensions. As we have mentioned before, PHP is easily extended to include support for a variety of different 3rd party file types and protocols. Today we will start looking at an extension that lets you create images – the GD extension. This is easy to install (instructions are given) and a tutorial project is included, involving getting the EXIF data of a digital camera image, grabbing a thumbnail through the free GD library.

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