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Template Repeating Elements – Part I: The Basics

One of the cool new features of Dreamweaver MX and MX 2004 (which, coincidentally, is functional in Contribute 1+) is template repeating regions. These regions come in 2 formats: Repeating region and Repeating Table, for use in your template-derived sites. The only difference between the two is that the first (Repeating region) allows you to define the repeating element or element group, where as the other (Repeating Table) allows you to use a dialog to specify the capacity of a table and inserts a unique editable region in each of the repeating region cells.

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Want a free PC?

A company called Metronomy is offering a free IBM PC to 200,000 UK households if they accept a contract whereby they will watch 3 minutes of advertising for an hour of computer use, and use a minimum of 30 hours a month. The spec is pretty basic - but so's the cost. Read More

More Good Economic News

In our newsletter last night, we reported Online advertising was up for the fourth quarter in a row, with the third quarter showing 20 percent growth compared to the same period last year, and IT spending to increase next year.

The Register today reports that strong consumer demand for laptop PCs, as well as an upsurge in demand from the public sector, has driven demand for a record 152 million PCs in 2003. This is 8.8 per cent higher than 2000, the previous highest year for PC shipments.


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PHP User comments system

In this tutorial, we’re going to build a system to allow users to add comments to the bottom of your web pages, which is becoming more and more popular lately for a variety of different applications. For example, blogs are now starting to allow users to add comments so readers can join in the discussion, and tutorials have comments sections where users can add their own notes, or comment about the brilliance of your writing for example. The system could also be used to create a guest book application for a site; in fact the principles can be used for pretty much any system which allows users to add data.

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Cornerstones of Dreamweaver Design: Setting Up Your Site

Recently, we sought out reader opinion on premium content. And, many of you emailed me and DMXzone that while you have found the information very helpful, the tutorials often assumed complex knowledge when most folks reading are just beginning to work with Dreamweaver as a pro tool, and many of you are even fairly new to web design. You clearly expressed that you wanted helpful tutorials that take you right from the very start of using Dreamweaver on through to using it in more complicated ways. This way you can begin building professional sites in a sophisticated manner, tapping into the workflow that Dreamweaver provides. This way, you can build a sturdy foundation of Dreamweaver knowledge upon which to grow your skills.
The series will cover the real how-to about the Dreamweaver program from a no-nonsense, step-by-step, practical perspective. Whether it’s something seemingly simple as today’s topic, “Setting up Your Site” to more involved topics such as collaboration and site testing, the point is to lead you through Dreamweaver so you learn it from the bottom up.

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Facial Retouching with Photoshop

One of the hardest image processing tasks to get right is doing facial retouching that can eradicate blemishes, shadows etc without making the subject look completely unbelievable. In this tutorial, Gavin Cromhout (himself the co-author of a book on facial retouching) establishes a process for manipulating portraits to make them look their best, without making them look artificial.

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Kazaa Lite shut down by Kazaa

Sharman Networks, who made Kazaa, the most popular P2P file sharing app since Napster, have shut down Kazaa Lite - a copy of its program that removes all the ads, pop-ups and the spyware. Hilariously, Sharman Networks have done this because Kazaa Lite infringes their copyright.

Pot. Kettle.

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Saving PHP thumbnail data

In today’s tutorial we write a series of PHP scripts that allow a page to take a user-uploaded image, resize it - and generate a thumbnail of the image that is uploaded.  We’ll then take that thumbnail data and save it in a database.  When we look at how we can save our images in a database, we’ll have to look at how we can first change the binary data so that it is safe to store in the database, as well as taking a look at how PHP can ‘buffer’ its output. This tutorial utilises the free GD library.

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Google Upsets Webmasters

Many people are complaining that Google has stepped on their toes after the last round of the Google dance, reports the BBC. Some companies that occupied a place in the coveted top ten searches on a keyword (that is, those found on the first page of a Google search) are finding themselves downgraded. of course, others are finding themselves significantly upgraded, too...

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