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PHP Custom Web Statistics

Keeping logs of who visits your site is useful as it allows you to see how many people are visiting your site, and which pages are the most popular and most frequently visited. Pages which have low visitor numbers can then be changed to make them more appealing. Alternatively, it may turn out that your navigation system isn't working as well as it could be, and you can then change it to make the pages with low numbers of visitors easier to find.

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CornerStones of Dreamweaver Design: Text Time!

Everything you know about making text look pretty in Dreamweaver is irrelevant.

The way in which HTML and XHTML are supposed to be used to mark up content uses specific logic, creating a document that is considered well-structured. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the way you’ve been taught, nor does Macromedia Dreamweaver MX automatically create a well-structured document. You have to understand the purpose and meaning of structure, and then use the tool to create well-structured pages.

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Graphing with PHP

In this and next weeks’ tutorials we will be building on what we have covered by developing a set of basic objects that you can use for drawing graphs from dynamic data. After all, what use is having these great tools for drawing graphs and charts if you can't draw them dynamically? If that were the case you may as well stick to using Macromedia Fireworks or exporting a graph from Microsoft Excel.

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Dynamic Menus with ASP and CSS

Many database-driven web sites are run from some form of content management system, and so navigation menus need to be dynamically created – with the links being pulled from the database. Working in this way means that you may not know how many links will appear in a navigation menu when you design the site, as the number will depend on how many are stored in the database at any one time.

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Photoshop CS: File Browser, Matching Colour and Live Histograms

There have been quite a few changes from Photoshop 7.0 to Photoshop CS – some really cool new tools, cunningly hidden away. Let’s take a look at some of the more interesting ones and how they can benefit you, the web developer. In this article we’re going to start with the more general changes – some alterations to existing Photoshop systems, some altogether new. The most exciting of the new features is the ability to take one image and match the colours of a second image to it. The most useful of the new features are the live histograms and the new file browser which makes searching and retrieving images much more efficient.

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PHP: Dynamic Arcs, Circles and Polygons

Not all graphics on web pages are for design only. A lot of sites used in business or financial reporting need to show dynamic information graphically, and because that information updates constantly, the graphs need to be drawn on the fly. In this weeks tutorial we will continue on with some more complex shapes – curves, ellipses and polygons. We’ll also take a look at some of the maths involved with drawing polygons. As the series progresses, this will lead up to a routine that will plot graphs on the fly from dynamic data.

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Announcing the DMXzone RSS feed!

At DMXzone, we've launched our RSS feed. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, and is a way of putting out content in a pre-defined way so that anyone else who wants to can take the text file and automatically import it into their own site. If you want lots of detail, here's the full specification, but in order to use someone else’s RSS feed in your own web site, all you really need to know is that an RSS feed is text, but the data in it is a small subset of XML. DON'T PANIC! (I always say that when someone sees the 'X' word). RSS isn't nicknamed Really Simple Syndication for nothing).

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MS Blaster clean-up tool

Microsoft have released a new tool to mop-up any residue of the Blaster virus from XP/ Win2K systems that may have been infected before they were patched are clean. Read More

Dynamic Web Development: ASP Foundations

So you want to start learning how to design dynamic web sites that make pages on the fly customised for the user? Or take advantage of all that logon-functionality? Or don't want to code a seperate html page for every product in your on-line catalogue?

Then you need a dynamic web site. The most common way for Dreamweaver users to get into dynamic web development is to use the ASP language.

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