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Cornerstones of Dreamweaver Design: The Fabulous Hyperlink

The web is many things, but here’s one thing for certain: The web wouldn’t exist at all without the hyperlink.  We use it to link from page to page, from a web page to email, from a point in a document to another point within that document. We use links to download files from web pages, and to attach behaviours to, as in the case of JavaScript rollovers.

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IE security patch out

Microsoft has released a patch for IE to cure several security flaws, including the Phishing Flaw. Get it while it's hot if you're running these operating systems.

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Graphing – dynamic 3D bar charts

In today's article on dynamic graphing with PHP, we convert the supplied script that plots a a line graph into one that plots a bar chart on the fly from dynamic data. Then, we discover how to fill the bars with colour. Finally, we give the bars a 3D perspective effect.

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Advanced HTML Editor Released

Enrich your forms with a fully customizable HTML Editor. Let your users create formatted content without having to know HTML! You can make the editor fit your design by choosing from several predefined designs, add your own style sheets for formatting of the text and more.


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CSS: Mini Events Calendar

On many web sites you will see small calendars as a feature of the site design. Blogs use them as a way to jump to the entry for a given day, on a site for an organization you might find a calendar allowing the user to see at a glance on which days events are taking place, they can be useful on a Intranet site allowing important events in the company calendar to be flagged up in a small calendar displayed on each page. In this article we will learn how to style an events calendar using CSS.

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Web Design Mysteries: Elements of Design

Be honest.

Have you ever trolled around the web to find a design that you like?
Have you ever contemplated stealing the mark-up or styles from another site?
Have you ever tried to emulate a site, but just couldn’t pull it off?
Have you ever played with an existing site just for fun, and found that if you change even one color the whole site looks off-kilter?

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MyDoom virus hits companies, spreads fast

The MyDoom virus has been spreading like wildfire in the last 24 hours. Some companies are receiving 1000 infected emails a minute. The virus installs a trojan that can leave the host machine open to sending spam or denial of service attacks before it grabs email addresses off an infected computer, and emails itself on. Reportedly, it records keystrokes on affected machines so can mail off passwords, user names etc to whoever coded it.

The worm uses random subject lines that include "test" and "Mail Delivery System" and carries different text messages, including: "The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment." The attachment names also vary, having ".exe", ".pif", ".cmd" or ".scr" as extensions and are sometimes compressed as a Zip file.

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Graphing with PHP: Line Graphs

In our tutorial last week, Graphing with PHP, we started building a class that you could use to draw a graph using the PHP Image functions.

We used a simple data holding object that contained all of the data that we needed to draw our graph, and then passed that to a graph drawing script by storing the data temporarily in a Session variable on the server. This method allowed us to use our PHP image drawing scripts as the SRC of an IMG tag so that the dynamic graphics could be embedded within an HTML page.

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The JavaScript Date Picker

Sooner or later you’re going to have the need for a user to fill in a field with a date. It’s like Murphy’s Law, it’s inevitable. In any event, one nice way of handling the situation is to provide some kind of widget to allow the user to pick the date instead of having them type the date in manually. Typing in dates manually can often be a problem, especially with a global medium like the web; Americans write 3 January 1/3; Europeans write 3/1. Are your dates 03/01/04? 3/1/04? 1/3/04? 1/3/2004? A date picker, when a user clicks on a date from a calendar-like interface can smooth the process.

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ASP and Forms: The Request object

We're going to build a form for a website that will automatically email the form's contents to one of a range of email addresses, depending on a radio button selected by the user. I show you how to build this using Dreamweaver MX 2004, and supply the ASP code, and then we examine it to learn how it works. We examine the differences between the GET and POST methods, server-side valiadtion of the form - and when client-side validation with JavaScript is better.

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