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The DMXzone Game - Level 3

Those Programming Bugs just keep on coming! More evil than a room full of Agent Smiths, all eating babies! More ferocious than a psychotic tiger with a hangover, those bugs just won't give up! Only you and DMXzoneMan can save the world. Do you dare, or are you a big girls' blouse? Level 3 of is now on-line, with nastier villains and eviller monsters.


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DMXzone Game Level 2

Continue helping DMXzoneMan vanquish the Programming Bugs! Thanks to the hundreds of people who played level 1 of the DMXzone usability game, and provided us with so much feedback on how we can improve our site and service to you, while simultaneously blasting and jumping your way towards carpal tunnel syndrome. Level 2 is now on-line, with nastier villains and eviller monsters.


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Validating Forms with ASP.NET Validator Controls

This tutorial will explain how to correctly use the Validation server controls built into the .NET Framework to validate user input on your pages. Complete working examples of each of the validation controls are provided as well as solutions to some of the common problems that arise when using the Validator controls, including how to implement validation groups.


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List basics in (X)HTML and CSS

Lists are great. There are many elements that you might include on your web pages that are ideally marked up as a list and lists are easily styled with CSS to make them far more interesting to look at than the default styles used by the browser. In this article we will look at the three different types of list available in (X)HTML and which one you should use for which purpose.


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Play The DMXzone Game!

Help DMXzoneMan vanquish the Programming Bugs, blast the monsters, and help DMXzone improve the service we give you! There's so much stuff on DMXzone that people are reporting problems navigating round or even knowing what's available. So we're asking humbly for your feedback. To make it more fun, the questionnaire is embedded in game, one level of which will be released each week.


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Point, Line, Plane: Foundations of Web Design Communication

"Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away."
Robert Henri (1865 - 1929) US painter

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PHP Graphing - Pie Charts

We've built up a bar chart script, and now we draw a pie chart.

Drawing a pie chart is more complex than drawing a bar chart.  We will need to create a script that takes the data from the data holding class and convert it into proportional amounts. 

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PHP Custom Web Statistics – Part 2

In the second part of this tutorial about creating your own custom web statistics, we analyse the data that is collected each time a page is viewed. We'll be looking at various ways of reading the data we require from the database, and making MySQL work harder by using some of its extra functions to process our data.

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Using Server Behaviours – Good or Bad?

Today we’re going to look at Dreamweaver’s ASP Server Behaviours (hereafter SBs). We’ll make use of them to display some data, step by step, and analyse how quick and easy it was to do. We’ll have a look at what happens when we try to take it a step further. Once we realise that the SBs merely provide a starting point, we’ll apply some code by hand to increase the usefulness of our page.

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