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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Web Standards, CSS and Dreamweaver but were afraid to ask

That's the title of the first DMXzone ebook. It's a collection of the most popular DMXzone tutorials by Molly Holzschlag and Rachel Andrew, re-edited into the first book in the Universe that teaches the fundamentals CSS design and development just to people who are Dreamweaver fluent.

The best thing is that the book assumes no prior knowledge of CSS and doesn't baffle or bore you with theory, and throughout Rachel and Molly use Dreamweaver MX or MX 2004 to make the sites - so you learn in the most natural way for a DMXzone member.

Read Table of Contents >>

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Free tutorial: CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death

In this free article Dave Shea shows how to use an innovative new CSS technique which he calls CSS Sprites that works in all modern browsers (except Opera 6), and replaces old-school image slicing and dicing (and the necessary JavaScript) with standard CSS and HTML lists.

Go Get It, Baby! >>

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Positioning footers with CSS

It's a common problem faced by nearly all of us as we transition from tables-based layouts to CSS. After the simplest layouts have been achieved, moving presentational font tags and other deprecated tags into CSS files, a whole host of questions come to mind as to how to complete tasks that seemed simple using tables. Positioning a footer that 'sticks' to the bottom of the browser window is one such issue and in this article we will look at two ways in which we can achieve a footer for a CSS layout.


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Win A Dreamweaver Book.

We're giving away five copies of friends of ED's new book, Foundation    Dreamweaver MX 2004.

More Details and Entry >>

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PHP/ CSS Image Gallery: Thumbnailing a Portion of an Image

In last week's article ("PHP/ CSS Searchable Image Gallery") we looked at how we could build an image gallery using PHP and MySQL and then display it with minimal effort by positioning the images on the page with CSS. Today we build an admin tool that allows you to define thumbnail images which we will link to the main image, but rather than blindly resize the thumbnail to within a set of specific size constraints, we will interactively provide you with a way of selecting a portion of the image to use as the thumbnail.

Note: Check also the DMXzone own CSS Image Gallery extension for amazing pure CSS galleries and slideshows with a fluent navigation and image transitions!

Screenshots and

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Free article: Protecting Your Windows Computer with Free Software

These days, running a computer that's connected to the internet is more likely to end in tears than doing splits naked over a live lobster, especially if you've got broadband. Worms, Trojans, Viruses, script kiddies – there's loads of dangers that can inconvenience you, or even worse – wreck your computer and damage your livelihood. And it's not just protecting your computer from attacks; there's also the problem of protecting your privacy from spy-ware etc.


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Dreamweaver 7.0.1. updater released 11 March

New updater that improves stability, fixes some bugs and restores the DHTML animation timeline!



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Good News: Microsoft changes to IE Shelved Indefinitely

Good news indeed. The proposed changes to Internet Explorer to force the dialog of doom every time rich content is required have been indefinitely shelved by Microsoft.

Update 9 March: The US Patent Office has revoked Eolas' patent, but Eolas is appealing.


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The DMXzone Game - Level 4

That ferocious snake is an ASP! As the ASP asp attempts to eat your code, only pummeling the keyboard in a frenzy of senseless violence can save DMXzoneMan and the World! Level 4 of is now on-line, with terrifying adversaries and not a stupid hobbit in sight. Didn't play the previous levels? Play it now and attractive people will stop laughing at you!


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PHP Graphing: 3D-Effect Pie Charts

This tutorial shows how to produce 3D-style pie charts that can't enhance your sales figures - but can at least make the presentation of them look nicer!

All the code is supplied for you to download, adapt - or just import straight into your PHP pages so you can up and running straight away!


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