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Dynamic Flash Gallery Bundle PHP 2

Get all the extensions you need for a Dynamic Flash Gallery in one bundle and save money! Our most popular extensions are combined to form an amazing Dynamic Flash Gallery Team. This bundle enables you to create online photo albums and lets your customers manage their photo albums online! Upload and delete files, automatically resize images, create thumbnails and much more! 

The Dynamic Flash Gallery Bundle PHP contains:

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Dynamic Flash Gallery PHP 1.0.3 Released

Manage your Flash Album Generator galleries online with Dynamic Flash Gallery PHP! Turn your gallery in edit mode and you can add, replace or delete your photos and edit titles!

You edit what you see in the same Flash Gallery Viewer! No separate difficult admin pages for your users - just direct visual edit! Each gallery is password protected to provide an adequate security.

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Active Slideshow Pro

Create dazzling multimedia presentations, slideshows and banners with Active Slideshow Pro. This extension builds on the success of Active Slideshow and gives you new spectacular effects and optimal control over your slides, texts, transitions and sounds. 


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Advanced Layer Popup

Create amazing inline Layer Popups with Advanced Layer Popup. Inline Layer Popups can be displayed much faster, will not be blocked by any browser and are much more user friendly. Apply rich designs, include and auto-fit photos, slideshows, movies, alerts or other content in your inline popups. Apply special incoming effects and place your popups anywhere you like on your site.


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Advanced Data Calendar Bundle PHP Released

Use the great looking DMXzone Calendar together with Advanced Tooltips and Advanced HTML Editor 2 to create a powerful calendar applications. Add and edit events, appointments or birthdays in userfriendly inline popup window!

Choose from Comma Separated (CSV), XML, Excel or PDF file formats and get a direct download! It's all done on the fly without the need for coding or server components with the help of Universal Data Exporter PHP!

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Free article: how DMXzone redesigned in CSS and XHTML!

Read for free the trials and tribulations of our intrepid tech team as they wade through 6000 articles-worth of tag spag hell, nested table horror, and emerge victorious with a fully validating CSS and XHTML site that loads twice as fast, renders better and is more maintainable!

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FREE! Building A File Upload and Rating Application

Following on from his free tutorial on building a Content Management System with Server Behaviours and the Advanced HTML Editor, Matt shows how build a site that allows users to upload their own files, and rate those files. There's also a password-protected moderator's area so that you can be sure that all files can be checked before being made "live". This free tutorial is suitable for beginners and uses only built-in Dreamweaver server behaviors and the DMXzone Pure ASP / ASP.NET Upload Extensions!

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DMXzone redesign with CSS and XHTML

Valid XHTML 1.0!

Correct CSS!



As DMXzone got  bigger and bigger, so was the HTML we used to keep all the articles, tutorials and news. It was getting more bloated than Vegas Elvis with gas.

Now we are totally rewriting the  code so that it is fully CSS and XHTML based!
No more nasty tables and rubbish html code – all clean XHTML and CSS compliant code now! Not only did we improve our standards-compliance, but we also cut down the page size - the homepage went from 100Kb to 40Kb XHTML!

Phase 1 is completed: getting the homepage sorted out, and writing effective CSS to replicate the old more-nested-tables-than-a-tornado-in-IKEA layout. In fact, we've done better than replicate it - it looks better than it ever did in the modern browsers.

There's a few CSS strangenesses and "charms" to iron out, and some of the XHTML doesn't validate on the sub-pages, but it's a start - and, from the emails we've received from users praising the increased download speed and happy whistling of our server, we think it's been a good start.

But we've still got a lot more work to do; the pages with tutorials still need work as the HTML is pulled from a content management system, so we need to retrofit the code in there.  It's been tested on all major Mac and Windows browsers, but there's a lot of code and a lot of pages, so if you see any strange layout anomalies, please drop us a line telling us which browser and operating system you're using.

Meanwhile, click on the logos above to see how we validate!

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Free: Using Advanced HTML Editor to Create a Content Management System

In this free, 20 page tutorial, Matt Machell shows you how to use Dreamweaver server behaviours and the DMXzone Advanced HTML Editor extension to build a password-protected Content Management Solution for a web site, that allows normal users to read news or text or whatever you choose to put on your site, while users with the correct password can add or amend the text using an intuitive word processor-like administration system - so your clients can maintain their own web sites without having to know HTML and without risking breaking the look and feel of the site!


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Free Easter Tutorial: CSS Drop Shadows

In this free article, Sergio Villarreal shows how to use CSS to make drop shadows, in a way that works across all modern browsers and conforms to Web Standards.

This article was originally published by A List Apart and is reproduced by kind permission. It's copyright © 1998–2004 A List Apart Magazine, Happy Cog Studios, and Sergio Villarreal.

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