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Event Calendar Super Bundle Released!

Enhance your website Calendar with date pickup, designer tooltips, amazing lightbox preview and Swiss knife form validation.

The Bundle includes:

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Event Calendar, Date Pickup & Tooltips Bundle Released!

Display all your events, appointments, reservations or availability in a stylish event Calendar. Get your event data from many different sources such as own database or Google Calendars and show it all in a single calendar! Enrich any form used for events, appointments or birthdays. Use it as a date picker or inline calendar with its unique design and in flight animation options. Create Rich Media Tooltips, provide online help, zoom in to images display rich content and tips with just a few clicks. 


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Ajax Event Calendar Released!

Display all your events, appointments, reservations or availability in a stylish event Calendar. Get your event data from many different sources such as own database or Google Calendars and show it all in a single calendar! Daily, Weekly, Monthly or full Year views are available to fully suite your needs. The Calendar is completely Ajax based so when navigating to the next or previous week/month it fully loads its data dynamically without refreshing the page! Choose from the 11 great looking CSS designs to style the calendar so it fully fit in your site design.


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Sliding Billboard & CSS Navigation Menu Bundle

The Universal CSS Navigation Menu for Dreamweaver allows you to create all kind of great web site navigation menus: Cascading Drop down Menus, Mega Menus, Popup or Context Menus. Discover the power of interactive presentations – the Sliding Billboard ! Organize your work greatly in a virtual book, which autoscrolls and enables your users to slide from page to page or chapter to chapter naturally.

The Bundle contains:

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Countdown to Ajax Event Calendar

In a week DMXzone will release the Ajax Event Calendar, so we start our Countdown. For the next 6 days we'll show you different demos to demonstrate the power of the new extension. Today our developers will share some of the features packed in the Ajax Event Calendar such as custom design for events coloring.

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Mini-review & Competition of jQuery UI 1.7: The User Interface Library for jQuery

Dan Wellman is an author and web developer based in the UK. For many year he's been writing articles for DMXzone. This year he published his third book called: jQuery UI 1.7: The User Interface Library for jQuery. The book is a great help for people who are diving into the world of jQuery and want to learn quickly how to use the jQuery UI User Interface Library. Our friends from Packt Publishing are giving away 5 books!


jQuery to the Next Level

In this e-book Dan Wellman will show you how to take your jQuery scripts to intermediate/advanced levels by focusing on several areas of usage. Overall you'll get to see and use a range of different technologies that can be used alongside jQuery to enhance the user experience of your sites including PHP and cURL, Mysql, JSON, Yahoo Pipes, regular expressions, and XML. This e-book is best suited for intermediate or advanced developers that want to learn more about jQuery.

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Updates for: Animated Thumbnail Gallery 1.0.1 and CSS Image Gallery 1.0.8

Create an amazing thumbnail wall from your images, photos and portfolio or decorate the existing thumbnails on your pages with the Animated Thumbnail Gallery. Add great looking borders, shadows and predefined styles - all Live in Dreamweaver!

New Demos


 CSS Image Gallery allows you to create cool pure CSS galleries and slideshows with a fluent navigation and image transitions. Due to its CSS nature it is fully customizable and fits in any site design. You can even create a fancy slideshow with automatic thumbnail popup navigation.

New demos


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Universal CSS Navigation Menu Released!

The Universal CSS Navigation Menu for Dreamweaver allows you to create all kind of great web site navigation menus: Cascading Drop down Menus, Mega Menus, Popup or Context Menus. The menus use great display animations, are CSS based and fully cross browser compatible, which makes them search engine friendly, easy to use and very stylish. Choose from the 13 supplied CSS designs, adjust them or create your own to fully suite your site.

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Animated Thumbnail Gallery Released!

Create an amazing thumbnail wall from your images, photos and portfolio or decorate the existing thumbnails on your pages with the Animated Thumbnail Gallery. Add great looking borders, shadows and predefined styles - all Live in Dreamweaver! When clicked on a thumbnail, it explodes with amazing animation effects to full size image shown in the build-in Lightbox. When used as wall the thumbnails float automatically in all available space - so the gallery always looks great!

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Sliding Billboard & Flash MP3 Player Bundle

Discover the power of interactive presentations – the Sliding Billboard ! Organize your work greatly in a virtual book, which auto scrolls and enables your users to slide from page to page or chapter to chapter naturally. Add a great MP3 player on your billboard within a few clicks and with no Flash knowledge at all! Just select your favourite songs and a fancy skin and the extension creates a Flash MP3 Player for your website.
The Bundle contains: Sliding Billboard and Flash MP3 Player

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