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HTML5 MP3 Player On Its Way!

If you still haven't explored the power of HTML5 you might do that, because we have another addition to the DMXzone HTML5 extensions collection coming soon - HTML5 MP3 Player.

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960 Grid System Extension Is A Huge Success

Last week we launched the free 960 Grid System Dreamweaver extension and we can tell you its a big success. It has been downloaded nearly 3000 times, which makes us really happy and proud of what we've developed.

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Building a Restaurant Website

Today, we have another "delicious" Website showcase, which soon will be available in our Templates section. It can be easily edited with the help of two DMXzone extensions - HTML5 Slideshow and Universal CSS Navigation Menu.

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What We Read this Week - How to Cheat in Photoshop CS5

How to Cheat in Photoshop shows you how to cheat in two important ways. First, you’ll learn a professional montage artist’s proven-to-be-successful tips for getting the best out of Photoshop’s many features quickly and efficiently, so that you can create work under deadline while still maintaining quality. Second, you’ll learn how to make an image look like something else entirely, for those moments when stock imagery just won’t do and you don’t have the time (or funding) to set up a photo shoot.

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What You Missed This Week?

Missed anything? No worries, because we made a summary just for you. This week we introduced a whole new Template section, awarded some lucky winners and released a new Dreamweaver Extension with related Premium Content.
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More Free Dreamweaver Templates from JustDreamweaver

Have you ever got the chance to check out Ryan's work on JustDreamweaver.com? If not, you can do it here now, because he decided to share his amazing work with DMXzone members. All the designs are great pieces of work, with fantastic colors, functionality and style, and can be found in our Templates section.

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Launching DMXzone Dreamweaver Templates Section

Recently we introduced that we will launch our new DMXzone section, the DMXzone Dreamweaver Templates Section! And here we go! We decided to bring DMXzone to a whole new level and let users create complete websites a lot easier. Portfolio, Blog, (non-)Commercial, anything is possible and if we say anything, we mean anything.

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Lynda.com 30-Day Gift Subscription Winners!

In a blogpost about WordPress meets Dreamweaver, author Joseph Lowery showed us how to create websites using WordPress and Dreamweaver together.

Linked to this post, Lynda.com provided us 3 x 1 month Online Training Library Certificates, to give away to our newsletter subscribers. The three fortunate winners are picked out, so let the kettledrums tremble.

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960 Grid System Dreamweaver Extension Comes for Free!

We've talked a lot about the 960 Grid System recently and finally we can announce that the Dreamweaver extension is ready to be released tomorrow! The premise of the system is ideally suited to rapid prototyping, but it would work equally well when integrated into a production environment. In simple words it means that with the 960 Grid System you will be able to create Websites layout in few minutes.

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Become a Dreamweaver CS5 God

As promised last week, today you can read the full review of the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Bible book and join our competition to win one of the free copies Wiley are giving away! Dreamweaver is truly a tool designed by Web developers for Web developers. Designed from the ground up to work the way professional Web designers do, it speeds site construction and streamlines site maintenance.

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