Free! - Mini-Review and win a copy of Beginning PHP5

Win a copy!
Wiley is giving away 5 of these books, all you have to do is to answer the question given at the end of the article.

About the book
With Beginning PHP5 you'll learn everything about the latest version of PHP. It starts with how to install and configure PHP. Then it will teach you the basics of PHP up to constructing complex data-driven sites.


What you will learn

  • The fundamentals of object-oriented programming in PHP5
  • How to write PHP5 applications that run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and other OS
  • Why PHP5 works effectively in small to enterprise-level applications
  • Error handling with try/catch
  • Data manipulation in MySQL using PHP
  • How to build practical applications such as an online text editor, a web based e-mail application and an object-oriented contact manager application
  • Command-line scripting and GUI application development
  • Effective methods of maintaining and organizing your code and more

Who should buy this book?
Beginners and more experienced developers can learn from this book. The book is a complete tutorial which learns you everything about the latest version of PHP.

In this competition we have the following question for you:
How can you install PHP on a linux system?

Send your answer to this e-mail address before Thursday 28st of April 2005

Patrick Woldberg

Patrick WoldbergWorking as a developer creating Dreamweaver extensions and designing/programming for the community sites.

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