Using Pure ASP Upload with custom INSERT commands

How to use the Pure ASP Upload Dreamweaver extension with a SQL Server Stored Procedure or your own custom code for INSERT commands rather than using Dreamweaver’s Insert Record server behaviour.

Using a Stored Procedure with a SQL Server database or creating your own custom INSERT command with an Access database it’s fairly simple to retrieve the identity of the newly created record, something which is often useful with a record insert. For more information about retrieving record identities with Access and SQL Server see my site:

1. Create your form, including a File Field to browse to the file you wish to upload.

2. Now add the Pure ASP Upload server behaviour as you would normally, selecting the options you require. Don’t specify a redirect URL, you can add that after your insert command code if required.

3. Now create your insert command as you wish, but instead of using Request.Form(“formElementName”) to collect the values from the form elements, as you would usually, use CStr(UploadFormRequest("formElementName ")).


For example, you might normally collect the form elements into variables like this:

strFileName = Request.Form(“fileUpload”)
strTitle = Request.Form(“txtTitle”)
strDescription = Request.Form(“txtDescription”)


With the Pure ASP Upload behaviour, modify the collection of the values from the form as follows:

strFileName = CStr(UploadFormRequest(“fileUpload”))
strTitle = CStr(UploadFormRequest(“txtTitle”))
strDescription = CStr(UploadFormRequest(“txtDescription”))

That’s it, you can now use the values in the variables with your own insert command whether it uses a Stored Procedure or it is simply your preferred method of inserting a record in an Access or SQL Server database.


Here’s an example insert command for an Access database which retrieves the identity of the newly created record and redirects the user to a new page. Notice I’ve used the Replace single quotes with two single quotes in this example to stop the INSERT command fowling up if they were included in the string values entered in the form:

If CStr(UploadFormRequest("Submit")) = "Upload File" Then
 strFileName = Replace(CStr(UploadFormRequest(“fileUpload”)),”’”, “’’”)
 strTitle = Replace(CStr(UploadFormRequest(“txtTitle”)) ,”’”, “’’”)
 strDescription = Replace(CStr(UploadFormRequest(“txtDescription”)) ,”’”, “’’”)

 Set commInsert = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 commInsert.Open MM_YourConn_STRING
 commInsert.Execute("INSERT INTO tblFiles(strFileName, strTitle, strDescription) VALUES('" & strFileName & "', '" & strTitle & "', '" & strDescription & "');") ' Execute the insert command
 Set rsNewID = commInsert.Execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY") ' Create a recordset and SELECT the new Identity
 intNewID = rsNewID(0) ' Store the value of the new identity in variable intNewID
 Set rsNewID = Nothing
 Set commInsert = Nothing
 Response.Redirect("FileDetail.asp?NewID=" & intNewID)
End If


Owen Eastwick

I have over a dozen years experience in the IT industry and in the past 5 I have focussed exclusively on web site design and development. I'm familiar with all aspects of web site design from planning through to launch. I specialise in developing dynamic, ASP/VBScript web sites utilising either a Microsoft Access or a SQL Server database back end. I also create logos, artwork and design web site interfaces so I am able to develop a complete web site from “front-end” through to “back-end” if required.

In addition to developing sites directly for clients I also undertake sub-contract projects developing ASP and database solutions for other web site designers. If you've got a rush job and a fast approaching deadline or you've simply reached a seemingly impassable sticking point within a project, get in touch.

Check out my sites for more information:

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