Free! - Mini -review and win a copy of Extreme Photoshop CS

About the book
Extreme Photoshop CS shows you how to master popular techniques and styles in professional Photoshop design and illustration. The book uses very clear step-by-step tutorials and in-depth explanations to teach you very useful Photoshop techniques.



Furthermore the book uses in depth explanations to let you understand the concept behind Photoshop design topics such as photorealism, pixel art, cartoon and comic art, icons, emoticons, silhouette and wireframe illustration and much more. The design of the book itself is pretty good, as it uses a clear font and overall good graphics. Unlike some other books the book allows you to browse trough the chapters and zoom in when you need more detailed information. The only thing missing is the tips/tricks and topics in the sidebars of the book as these are left blank.

Who should buy this book?
If you have the basic designer skill and if you aspire to be a professional designer , this book will enable you to improve your artwork and it will help you become a better designer. However if you plan to upgrade to the soon to be released Photoshop CS 2 software package you might want to wait for an update of the book.

Summary of Contents

  1. Introduction to Photoshop and Realism
  2. Exercises in Photoshop and Realism
  3. Professional Realism Techniques
  4. Pixel Art
  5. Cartoon Illustration
  6. Silhouette Illustration
  7. Wireframe Illustration
  8. Vectorizing Photographs
  9. Retro / Vintage Art
  10. Building your Retro Art Library

Extreme Photoshop CS competition! The friendly people of friends of ED are giving away 5 books! All you need to do to enter the competition is to answer the following question:

      • Which illustration techniques are explained in the book?

Send your answer to this e-mail address before Thursday 21st of April 2005.

Good Luck!


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