Moving objects with ActionScript part 1
You're probably familiar with motion tweens and using them to create movement in a Flash movie. Motion tweens move objects around the Stage, rotate them and fade them in and out. What you might not know is that you can achieve the same effect using ActionScript. This approach gives you much more flexibility and you can write functions that you can reuse in your Flash projects.
This is the first in a series of articles looking at scripted motion in ActionScript. In this article, we'll start by creating simple motion in a straight line. We'll look at how you can bounce an object off the walls of a movie clip.
The other articles will be on:
- Circular motion
- Fades and rotations
- Inertia and gravity effects
- Creating springs
- Tweening and Transition classes
By the end of each article, you'll be able to create a function that you can reuse throughout your movies. I
I've assumed that you are using Flash MX or Flash MX 2004 and that know how to add ActionScript to a movie. I've used ActionScript 1.0 for my examples.
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Movement concepts
Moving an object in ActionScript consists of a series of small movements to the x and y co-ordinates of an object. There is normally a calculation to find the new position and this is repeated to give the effect of moving the object.
We can use an enterFrame event to repeat the movement calculation. Remember that movie clips are constantly playing at the frame rate of the movie. If the frame rate is 12fps, the enterFrame event will run 12 times each second. Anything inside an enterFrame function will also run 12 times per second. By adding code to the onClipEvent(enterFrame) event handle, we can create movement.
Hello. I'm the Principal of Anything Is Possible, an Australian web development business specialising in web applications development and training. I'm interested in using Flash with dynamic content and I've presented at a number of International conferences on topics relating to applications development, XML and scripting components. I have recently released my second print book Beginning XML with DOM and Ajax to match the first one - Foundation XML for Flash. I have a business web site
and a personal web site.
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