
June 4, 2005 by aladdin s

use this code to back up you ms access database

file name compact_access_db.asp

<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file="common.asp" -->


'Clean up
Set rsCommon = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing


'Check to see if the user is using an access database
If strDatabaseType <> "Access" Then
 'Display message to sql server usres
 Response.Write "This page only works on Access but your Database Type is set to SQL Server"
End If

'Dimension variables
Dim objJetEngine  'Holds the jet database engine object
Dim objFSO   'Holds the FSO object
Dim strCompactDB  'Holds the destination of the compacted database


<title>Compact and Repair Access Database</title>

<link href="../CSS/name.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="BLACK">
<table border="0" width="750px" height="80" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="36" rowspan="2" height="76">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="95%" valign="bottom" align="center" height="57">
<% =sBlank%>
 <p class="text"><b><span class="tblDataT"><font size="5">Compact and Repair Access Database</font></span></b><br />
  <br />
  <p class="tblDataT">Click the Below button to compact and repair the Webtime Access
 Data Base<br /></p>

'If this is a post back run the compact and repair
If Request.Form("postBack") Then %>
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td class="tblDataT"><ol><%
  'Create an intence of the FSO object
  Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  'Back up the database
  objFSO.CopyFile strDbPathAndName, Replace(strDbPathAndName, ".mdb", "-backup.mdb", 1, -1, 1)
  Response.Write(" <li class=""tblDataT"">Database backed up to:-<br/><span class=""smText"">" & Replace(strDbPathAndName, ".mdb", "-backup.mdb", 1, -1, 1) & "</span><br /><br /></li>")


 'Create an intence of the JET engine object
 Set objJetEngine = Server.CreateObject("JRO.JetEngine")

 'Get the destination and name of the compacted database
 strCompactDB = Replace(strDbPathAndName, ".mdb", "-tmp.mdb", 1, -1, 1)

 'Compact database
 objJetEngine.CompactDatabase strCon, "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=" & strCompactDB
 'Display text that new compact db is created
 Response.Write(" <li class=""tblDataT"">New compacted database:-<br/><span class=""smText"">" & strCompactDB & "</span><br /><br /></li>")
 'Release Jet object
 Set objJetEngine = Nothing
 'Delete old database
 objFSO.DeleteFile strDbPathAndName
 'Display text that that old db is deleted
 Response.Write(" <li class=""tblDataT"">Old uncompacted database deleted:-<br/><span class=""smText"">" & strDbPathAndName & "</span><br /><br /></li>")
 'Rename temporary database to old name
 objFSO.MoveFile strCompactDB, strDbPathAndName
 'Display text that that old db is deleted
 Response.Write(" <li class=""tblDataT"">Rename compacted database from:-<br/><span class=""smText"">" & strCompactDB & "</span><br />To:-<br /><span class=""smText"">" & strDbPathAndName & "</span><br /><br /></li>")

 'Release FSO object
 Set objFSO = Nothing
 Response.Write(" The Forums Access database is now compacted and repaired")


 <p class="text"> &nbsp;</p>
<form action="compact_access_db.asp" method="post" name="frmCompact" id="frmCompact">
 <div align="center"><br />
  <input name="postBack" type="hidden" id="postBack" value="true">
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Compact and Repair Database" style="background-color: #6699CC">

End If

<br />


the include file


Server.ScriptTimeout = 90

'Set the date time format to your own if you are getting a CDATE error
'Session.LCID = 1033

Dim adoCon    'Database Connection Variable Object
Dim strCon   'Holds the string to connect to the db
Dim rsCommon   'Database recordset
Dim lngLoggedInUserID  'Holds the logginned in user ID
Dim strUsername   'Holds the users username
Dim strPassword   'Holds the usres password
Dim strUserCode   'Holds the users ID code
Dim strLoggedInUserCode  'Holds the loggin in user ID
Dim strSQL   'Holds the SQL query
Dim strSalt   'Holds salt values
Dim strCode   'Holds the page code
Dim strCode2   'Holds the page code
Dim strDatabaseDateFunction 'Holds a different date function for Access or SQL server
Dim strDatabaseType  'Holds the type of database used
Dim strDbPathAndName  'Holds the path and name of the database
Dim intGroupID   'Holds the group ID of the user

'Intialise variables
Const strVersion = "7.9"
strSalt = "5CB237B1D85"
Const strCodeField = "&#076;_&#099;&#111;&#100;&#101;"
lngLoggedInUserID = 0
intGroupID = 0
Const blnMassMailier = True
'Database Type
strDatabaseType = "Access"
Const strDbTable = "tbl"
Const strDbProc = "wwfSp"
onst strCookieName = "WWF"
Const blnEncryptedPasswords = true


'Create database connection
'Create a connection odject
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'If this is access set the access driver
If strDatabaseType = "Access" Then


 '--------------------- Set the path and name of the database --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 'Virtual path to database
 strDbPathAndName = Server.MapPath("name.mdb")  'This is the path of the database from this files location on the server