Free! - Mini-review and Win a copy of PHP Basics for Visual Learners

This book helps non-programmers learn the basics of PHP programming. 142 screenshots and graphics show how to:

        • Learn the basics: Create, upload, and test simple scripts.
        • Work with variables: Work with single variables, lists of variables.
        • Work with numbers: Add, subtract, multiply and divide. Create random numbers.
        • Employ logic and loops: Employ conditional if/and/or logic, create loops.
        • Use forms and user functions: Create user functions, pass form inputs to scripts.
        • Work with files: Create, append to, and modify text files.
PHP Basics For Visual Learners is a book that teaches you the very first basics of PHP, the way of doing that is by using a great amount of images and pictures. According to Visibooks there aren't many books that teach the very basics of PHP and I think they are right. Because of the visualizations, the book will teach you the basics in a very fast way. The plus is that you learn a lot in a small time period because you can browse trough the book much faster than a normal book. A small downside is that the information takes up a lot of space so your thick book (180 pages) does contain less information then a standard book format

For who is this book? This book will teach you the very basics of PHP, and is therefore best suited for users that make a first start with PHP, and never used a similar programming language before. As already said, the visuals will help those to pick up methods in this program very easily.

The book covers basic topics such as Installing an FTP program, Create Simple scripts, variables, working with numbers, forms&user functions, logic&loops and working with files.

PHP Basics competition! The friendly people of Visibooks are giving away 6 e-books. All you need to do to enter the competition is to download the extract (press read more and then download sample pdf on your right), which is all about working with variables in PHP and answer the following question:

  • Which variable is used to display the number 100 in the sentence "Which one of our 100 cars is right for you?"

To be in the second DMXzone book draw of 2005, send your answer to this e-mail address before Wednesday 3rd of March 2005.

Good Luck!


Table of contents

Getting Set Up

  • Install an FTP program
  • Learning the Basics

  • Create a simple script
  • Upload a script
  • Run a script from a Web page
  • Insert comments
  • Format output with HTML
  • Working with Variables

  • Employ single variables
  • Print quotation marks
  • Employ lists of variables

    Working with Numbers

  • Perform calculations
  • Increment/decrement
  • Generate random numbers
  • Forms & User Functions

  • Create a user function
  • Pass form inputs to a script
  • Logic & Loops

  • Employ conditional logic
  • Employ looping
  • Working with Files

  • Create a text file
  • Display files
  • Append to files
  • Comments

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