Date & Time

February 23, 2005 by Jeremy Conn
Actually, that is much easier than you'd think.
To accomplish this, simply place a hidden (or visable if you'd like) field into your form... then insert the ASP variable for showing the date and time, which is considered "Now".

<input name="EditDate" type="hidden" value="<%=Now%>">

The result is in this format:  2/23/2005 11:18:03 AM
Hope this helps...

RE: Date & Time

February 24, 2005 by wargk khoo

and how insert into database?

give me an example.. please...

Date & Time

February 24, 2005 by Jeremy Conn

Sounds like you are brand new to web development, as that is a much broader question than is usual for a forum like this.
Have you bought any Dreamweaver web development books? I would suggest doing that to give you a basic understanding of dynamic web development. There are some great books listed on this site for that subject:

Not sure, but someone may have taken the time to write out some free tutorials on this, either on this site or elsewhere on the web.

Also, I have found some free tutorials from the Macromedia website to get you started:

Going Dynamic with Dreamweaver MX

Understanding DW Connections

Setting Up The Database

This is simple

September 11, 2005 by Fahd Murtaza

Do one thing. Make your database in such a way that the column you want to to enter the date into, is the date field.

For example you have an access database and a date field in in.In the default value for date field, enter now(). This will put the date and time into this field automativcally when you enter a new record into database.

 I am sure you can do this.

 Then go to the application pannel in dreamweaver mx and make a connection through connection string. Now using the same pannel make a recordset object. After this make a form with respect to the table in database which you want to update and then use the sever behgaviour named Insert record. It will open up a dialog box. That will be simple and easy to do what you want there.Ask for more if you want.


Fahd Murtaza